
Energy Storage Technologies

Energy storage technologies refer to various methods and systems used to store energy for later use. These technologies include batteries, pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheels, and thermal energy storage. They play a crucial role in supporting the integration of renewable energy sources, managing peak demand, and enhancing grid stability and reliability.

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6 Key excerpts on "Energy Storage Technologies"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Thermal, Mechanical, and Hybrid Chemical Energy Storage Systems
    • Klaus Brun, Timothy C. Allison, Richard Dennis(Authors)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Academic Press
    Significant global integration of renewable energy sources with high variability into the power generation mix requires the development of cost-effective, efficient, and reliable grid-scale Energy Storage Technologies. Many Energy Storage Technologies are being developed that can store energy when excess renewable power is available and discharge the stored energy to meet power demand when renewable generation drops off, assisting or even displacing conventional fossil- or nuclear-fueled power plants. The development and commercialization of these technologies is a critical step for enabling a high penetration of renewable energy sources.
    Many mature and emerging Energy Storage Technologies utilize combinations of thermal, mechanical, and chemical energy to meet storage demands over a variety of conditions. These systems offer the potential for better scalability than electrochemical batteries. Energy storage demands are complex and the resulting solutions may vary significantly with required storage duration, charge/discharge duty cycle, geography, daily/annual ambient conditions, and integration with other power or heat producers and consumers. This introductory chapter provides details regarding the needs that motivate development efforts for new thermal, mechanical, and chemical Energy Storage Technologies; discusses fundamental thermodynamic principles that govern energy storage; and describes the opportunities and challenges for successful development and commercialization of these technologies.

    1.1: Motivation for energy storage

    Energy storage systems help to bridge the gap between power generation and demand and are useful for systems with high variability or generation-demand mismatch. The increasing introduction of renewable power sources into the generation mix results in power availability that is highly variable and poorly matched with demand profiles, thus increasing the high turndown and ramping requirements for baseload power plants that are poorly equipped for this service.

    1.1.1: Worldwide power generation mix and trends

    In 2018 the world consumed approximately 26,641 TWh of electric power [1] , produced by a combination of sources illustrated in Fig. 1 . Based on these data, fossil-based sources accounted for 64.2% of generation, supplemented by 10.2% nuclear power. The remaining ~ 25% was produced by renewable sources including hydroelectric (15.8%), wind (4.8%), solar (2.2%), and geothermal/biomass (2.4% combined). Notably, although wind and solar sources are still a relatively low percentage of the overall energy mix, they are the fastest-growing categories globally and particularly for OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) member countries. From 2017 to 2018, the IEA [2] reports overall declines in electricity production in OECD countries from combustible fuels (particularly coal and oil) that are substantially offset by 19.8% and 7.0% growth in solar and wind production, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2
  • Power Generation Technologies
    • Paul Breeze(Author)
    • 2014(Publication Date)
    • Newnes
    Chapter 10

    Power System Energy Storage Technologies


    Electrical energy storage can play an important role in electricity supply by storing off-peak energy for delivery in periods of peak demand and by helping to stabilize the generation from intermittent resources such as wind and solar power. Analysis suggests that for optimum grid stability, 15% of capacity should be based on energy storage. However, the storage of electricity has proved difficult to master. The main large-scale Energy Storage Technologies are pumped storage hydropower, compressed-air energy storage, and, at the lower capacity range, batteries. For smaller-scale storage supercapacitors and flywheels can be used and small superconducting magnetic energy storage rings have been used in some grid stability applications. Pumped storage hydropower accounts for most of the capacity already in place and much of this was built to support nuclear-generating capacity. There is interest today in energy helping the integration of intermittent renewable capacity.
    Keywords pumped storage hydropower compressed-air energy storage supercapacitors flywheels battery storage redox battery superconducting magnetic energy storage energy arbitrage renewable integration
    Energy storage plays a vital part in the modern global economy. At a national level, oil and gas are regularly stored by both utilities and governments, while at a smaller scale petrol stations store gasoline and all cars carry a storage tank to provide them with the ability to travel a significant distance between refueling stops. Domestic storage of hot water is also usual in modern homes. Yet when it comes to electrical energy, storage on anything but a small scale in batteries is rare.
    Part of the reason for this is that storage of electricity, although it can be achieved in a number of ways, is difficult. In most storage technologies the electricity must be converted into some other form of energy before it can be stored. For example, in a battery it is converted into chemical energy, while in a pumped storage hydropower plant the electrical energy is turned into the potential energy contained within an elevated mass of water. Energy conversion makes the storage process complex and the conversion itself is often inefficient. These and other factors help to make an energy storage system costly.
  • Fundamentals of Microgrids
    eBook - ePub

    Fundamentals of Microgrids

    Development and Implementation

    • Stephen A. Roosa, Stephen A. Roosa(Authors)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press
    28 ]. These are central issues that must be addressed when designing electrical energy storage systems for microgrids. Categories of storage technologies include electrical energy storage, mechanical energy storage, electrical/electrochemical energy storage, chemical and biological energy storage, and thermal energy storage. There are battery storage systems that use lead-acid, lithium-ion, sodium-sulfur, and vanadium redox technologies. Any of these technologies can be used to store power for microgrids.
    Microgrids provide a ready market for energy storage. Unlike hydropower and geothermal generation resources, renewables such as solar and wind power are classic examples of resources that provide intermittent generation. To increase capacities, meet periods of high demand, and smooth the electric power provided to the system, energy storage is often a necessity. Reserve capacity is needed to maintain high-penetration microgrids [29 ]. There is a growing realization that electrical energy storage systems will be a key component of future electricity transmission networks, particularly those with heavy dependence on renewable resources [30]. Modern energy storage systems: 1) enable a match between supply and demand; 2) replace inefficient auxiliary power production; 3) ensure electric grid stability with a diversified energy supply and increased levels of renewable penetration; 4) ensure security of supply; and 5) facilitate distributed generation [30]. There are numerous types of electrical and thermal Energy Storage Technologies, differentiated by power and energy density, physical size, cost, charge and discharge time periods, and market readiness (see Figures 7.3 and 7.4 ) [30].
    FIGURE 7.3 Comparative power, energy, and discharge durations for selected storage technologies. (Source: International Electrotechnical Commission, EES Technologies [22 ].)
    FIGURE 7.4 Positioning of Energy Storage Technologies. (Source: EPRI, Sandia National Labs [23 ].)
    Conversion losses are inevitable in any energy storage system charging and discharging cycle. Use of renewable energy in microgrids introduces the problem of intermittent generation. Fast-ramping generation and storage assets working in concert with the necessary control devices can rapidly compensate for intermittent generation [29 ]. Flywheels, batteries, or other storage technologies can serve as auxiliary generators and provide ride-through capability [29
  • Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Sustainability
    eBook - ePub

    Thermal Energy Storage Technologies for Sustainability

    Systems Design, Assessment and Applications

    • S. Kalaiselvam, R. Parameshwaran(Authors)
    • 2014(Publication Date)
    • Academic Press
    Chapter 1 , energy efficiency and energy conservation are interrelated, and any effort to integrate breakthrough research concerning the technological aspect combined with economical viability can produce an energy savings benefit on a long-term basis. From the energy perspective, the prominent challenges that are to be carefully dealt with include
     The rapid depletion of primary fossil fuel–based sources
     Complexity involved in extracting fossil fuel sources
     Imminent hike in fuel prices
     Climate change and GHG emissions
     Sporadic distribution of energy being supplied to meet the actual energy demand

    3.2 Thermal Energy Storage

    It has always been important among scientists, engineers, industrialists, and technologists to develop and commission energy-efficient technologies that would fulfill end-use energy requirements. In the context of confronting the aforementioned energy challenges, the search for the development of new technologies or modification of existing technologies has always been recognized as a significant measure toward accomplishing energy efficiency. A variety of energy-efficient technologies in the major energy sectors provides even more opportunity to bridge the gap between the energy supply and end-use energy demand.
    Thermal energy storage (TES), or thermal storage, is the one efficient technology available that caters to end-use energy demand through energy redistribution. Energy in the form of heat or cold can be placed in a storage medium for a particular duration and can be retrieved from the same location for later usage. This is the baseline concept of TES, wherein the term thermal refers to either heat or cold, depending on the energy interactions between the storage medium and the energy source. The simple schematic representation as depicted in Fig. 3.1
  • Investing in the Renewable Power Market
    eBook - ePub

    Investing in the Renewable Power Market

    How to Profit from Energy Transformation

    • Tom Fogarty, Robert Lamb(Authors)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Wiley
    Since renewable power plants don't supply power 7 days a week/24 hours a day, their future success will be determined by energy storage: The new energy storage law's investment tax credits & FERC's new rule help. Many new cheap Energy Storage Technologies could be the most vital game-changers in the world. Pumped hydro energy storage, which is the oldest and most widely used method in the world for centuries, continues to be the leader. But, compressed air storage in abandoned mines and caves is now being built in various parts of the United States and the world and it is a much cheaper and quicker built storage technology to provide energy storage for whole states and regions of a nation. Solar energy has now fully developed giant molten salt tanks next to the solar plants, so these are now a “U.S. government proven storage technology” to power the generators on solar plants for 8 to 12 hours when the sun is not shining. Yet, solar plants today can cost billions of dollars.
    Likewise, new electric power centers containing many lithium ion batteries are being used to supply temporary electricity for power plants in the nation of Chile and are beginning to be used in the United States. Electric car fleet parking depots are also now being used to supply energy for power plants. Flywheels, which last for several decades or even potentially over 100 years of continuous operation, are being introduced into energy power storage systems as the longest-lasting form of energy storage, but they too, are expensive.
    In short, various innovative Energy Storage Technologies are now expanding the range of types of energy that can become connected to the power grids across the United States and other regions and nations. This enables more widespread geographic and collaborative energy development that could ultimately lower the regional, national, and international cost of energy, widen the availability of energy, and also improve the civilian and military security of energy grid systems.
    However, the key question remains whether shale natural gas, currently the lowest cost energy, will prevent vitally necessary new investments in wind, solar panel, solar thermal, wave, tidal, geothermal and all the other alternative energies to develop and prevent funding all new Energy Storage Technologies they require.
    In Chapter 7, we discuss shale natural gas. Notes 1.
  • Distributed Power Generation
    eBook - ePub

    Distributed Power Generation

    Planning and Evaluation

    • H. Lee Willis, H. Lee Willis(Authors)
    • 2018(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press
    However, the load analysis and system planning methodology used are as discussed in Chapters 11 and demonstrated in example planning problems in Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 10.2    ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS This section surveys a number of different Energy Storage Technologies, discussing the what and how of each, and comparing key aspects of their performance. Energy storage system used in conjunction with DG can be grouped into two major approaches: store energy as electrical energy (e.g., batteries), or store it as some other type of energy (e.g., thermal storage) in a manner whereby it can be converted into electrical energy as needed. Efficiency “Efficiency” in energy storage systems most often refers to how well the systems use space or weight to store energy. Usually, an “efficient” battery system will be one that stores a lot of power in a small space, or at a low weight. This type of physical efficiency is of more importance to the battery industry as a whole than is electrical efficiency, which measures how efficient the battery is at storing energy for use at a later time. The automotive industry, intent on finding battery systems that will store a lot of power while still fitting into a compact, lightweight automobile, would gladly accept a major degradation in electrical efficiency in return for very good physical efficiency. An inexpensive, non-toxic battery that could store 25 times as much energy per pound as a lead-acid battery, but returned only half of the energy used to recharge it (50% electrical efficiency) would be hailed as a major breakthrough