
Marketing Funnel

A marketing funnel is a visual representation of the customer journey from initial awareness to making a purchase. It is divided into stages such as awareness, interest, consideration, and conversion, with the goal of guiding potential customers through each stage to ultimately convert them into paying customers. Marketers use the funnel to understand and optimize the customer's experience and improve conversion rates.

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7 Key excerpts on "Marketing Funnel"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising
    • Perry Marshall, Thomas Meloche, Bob Regnerus(Authors)
    • 2020(Publication Date)

    ...In this chapter, you are going to learn three fundamental concepts. Like shooting, passing, and dribbling, these are three fundamentals you must understand to be a successful advertiser. First, you’ll learn about the concept of a Marketing Funnel and how prospects become customers. Second, you’ll learn about five levels of awareness customers must go through in order to make a purchase. Lastly, you’ll discover the three pillars of advertising success that make up every successful advertising campaign. Let’s get on the practice floor! Marketing FunnelS TRANSFORM STRANGERS INTO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Any modern discussion of digital marketing always talks about funnels. When most people say funnel, they are talking about the set of steps of moving someone from not knowing about you or your business to making a purchase. In other words, it’s a sales process. A funnel is a great visual because sales is a process of elimination. It’s widest at the top and can hold the most people. Then it gets smaller and smaller as people are disqualified until you get your eventual goal. In basketball coaching, we start with all of the athletes who try out for the team. Then, we cut down to the members of the team. Finally, we get to the goal of five starters on the floor. The goal of a funnel doesn’t always have to be a purchase. It could be an email opt-in or registering for an event like a webinar. All funnels have an end goal. The rest of the steps are up to you. We show a typical funnel starting with a Facebook Ad in Figure 1–1 on page 3. Notice how the numbers get drastically smaller with each step. That’s why the visual of a funnel is accurate. It’s a great visual concept for beginning sales and marketing process...

  • Convert Every Click
    eBook - ePub

    Convert Every Click

    Make More Money Online with Holistic Conversion Rate Optimization

    • Benji Rabhan(Author)
    • 2013(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...Marketing people describe it as a funnel because the overall shape looks kind of like a kitchen funnel. You want to gather a lot of people from a wide variety of sources and send them into the wide top of the funnel. Then, steps in the sales process move them progressively toward the bottom of the funnel. Unlike a real funnel, though, not everyone makes it to the bottom. People (most often the majority of people) disappear in the middle. The goal is to get as many people as possible from the top to the bottom. The journey can be a fast-moving freeway, funneling lots of people through easily and efficiently to their destination. Or it can be a twisting, winding, barely visible series of trails in a dense forest—full of wrong turns, dead ends, and interesting distractions. The overall effect is that lots of people enter, and only some make it out the other side. Unfortunately, many funnels look like Swiss cheese, with gaping holes that leak traffic. In other words, they’re leaking money. The good news is that this is where huge opportunities often exist. Let’s take a look at the most common shapes of funnels: Standard Funnel: The standard funnel shape (Figure 2.1) is what people tend to think their funnels look like. It’s the shape they are familiar with—wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. More traffic comes in, and less traffic converts and comes out the bottom. It’s pretty simple to understand. Figure 2.1 If a businessperson is thinking about funnels at all, that’s a good thing. Most of them think they have a standard funnel setup, but that’s not usually the case. Typical Funnel: The typical funnel (Figure 2.2) is what most businesses actually have in place. This is where things start to go wrong. Companies take all sorts of marketing tools and just stick them together. They might think they have a funnel, but they don’t. Instead of a logical progression of steps leading the visitor toward the goal, they have a tangled-up maze...

  • NeuroAuthority
    eBook - ePub


    How to Create Authority Positioning in the Subconscious and be Remembered

    ...CHAPTER 10 BUILDING A SALES FUNNEL As a businessperson, you likely understand the importance of marketing when it comes to the ongoing success of your business. After all, without marketing, your business would eventually fail due to the absence of new customers. Therefore, if you have not put enough time and effort into the marketing of your business thus far, now is the time to start, and one easy way to start is the utilization of a sales funnel. What is a Sales Funnel? This strategy is so named due to the fact that when written out in diagram form, this particular marketing strategy looks like a funnel. The top category is the biggest and it represents the largest amount of people, or potential customers. The bottom category represents the least amount of people, those who are committed customers, so it's much smaller. Now that you know what a sales funnel is, you likely want a little more information pertaining to its implementation for your business, and because this is from us, how can you use authority marketing tactics in it too. After all, any strategy can seem great in theory, but you want to know how to actually go about building your own sales funnel. Thankfully, the five steps listed below will show you how to construct a type of sales funnel perfect for a digitally advanced business. 1. Create a Great Landing Page Your website’s landing page is the first impression of your business all your potential customers will instantly have. Therefore, take time to make sure that it looks great. Also, a good landing page will encourage individuals to sign up for some sort of list or subscribe to the website. This in turn gives you the all-important contact information, which becomes your first line of communication. Use the best trust triggers (media logos of places you have appeared) in your arsenal…between five and ten is good. If you use more than ten logos, it becomes cluttered. 2...

  • Beyond Viral
    eBook - ePub

    Beyond Viral

    How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video

    • Kevin Nalty(Author)
    • 2010(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...CHAPTER 4 Video’s Role in the Marketing Funnel In this chapter, you will learn: • How video can serve as the stage of a customer-engagement process, from awareness through trial and loyalty. • The best practices for engaging with prospects after they’ve seen your video. • Three primary types of online video: viral (awareness), conversion (initiation), and education (loyalty). • How video can help humanize a corporation, and mitigate media’s tendency to vilify or characterize its public image. For every marketer there seems to exist a different definition of the Marketing Funnel, which is meant to describe the path from a target customer’s awareness to loyalty. Most consider online video’s role at the top of this funnel (awareness or engagement), but miss opportunities to use online video to complement relationships with prospects and customers. Although it is increasingly easy for a business to create a destination web site with social-media tools and embedded videos, it’s important to populate content where people already travel. Again, these “billboards in their backyard” won’t drive sales. Still, having videos on your site can help visitors turn to prospects and even customers, and that’s something harder to control on a third-party web site like YouTube. This book emphasizes video at the top of the funnel because that is where businesses need the most help. However, a web site that doesn’t convert attention to purchase is like fishing with a net full of holes. From Curiosity to Close: A Customer Case Study Imagine the following real example of a customer searching Google, and being compelled via video to make a $10,000 purchase. • Paul wants a home office, but there is no room in his house and he needs a work area that is quiet and separate. He searches Google for terms like prefab home, mobile office, shed, and pool house. • He finds a do-it-yourself video on YouTube by a guy who is building his own office loft...

  • Profit Funnels
    eBook - ePub

    Profit Funnels

    Quick start guide to creating profitable sales funnels!

    • empreender(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Bibliomundi

    ...It depends on how you’ve decided to construct your funnel so that it maps out your marketing objectives. Once you have your funnel’s entry set up, it’s time to move on to the constructing the middle of your sales funnel. The middle of your funnel is where you begin the process of carefully collecting valuable information. It may also be where you start to convert that traffic into customers through a series of lower-cost products and services. This part of your funnel is incredibly important because it’s what helps you learn the most about your audience, such as what type of products and services they are mo st interested in. It can provide you with the inside information needed to create in-demand products while making it easier to cross-sell or upsell to your customers with related products. Your funnel’s middle segment is where you may also begin to soft sell. Keep in mind that the goal is to strengthen your relationship with your audience as you guide them to the final stage of your funnel: the bottom. One of the easiest ways to create an impactful mid-funnel is by offering valuable tools and resources for free while combining those with paid offers. For example, you could offer a free 5-day email course. Once they’ve “graduated”, you could then introduce them to more in-depth paid training that extends their knowledge on the topic or enhances the free material. And finally, the bottom of your funnel. This is where you combine a balance of hard and soft sales. Depending on how well you’ve worked at connecting to your audience throughout the top and middle sections of your funnel, you should have a strong tribe by the time they reach this step....

  • SOLD
    eBook - ePub


    Every Real Estate Agent's Guide to Building a Profitable Business

    • David M Greene(Author)
    • 2021(Publication Date)
    • BiggerPockets

    ...I call it the sales funnel. The sales funnel is designed to help you take every single piece of information that comes your way and understand where it fits into the big picture. It simplifies the incredibly vast ocean of information you’ll be swimming in and provides you with structure. The sales funnel is how I create my own swimming lanes so I can make progress while my competition flounders. Everything Is a Funnel Real estate sales, like any other business, is a funnel. I credit The BiggerPockets Podcast host and best-selling author Brandon Turner for pointing this out. You start with a large group of potential leads. Then, through a careful process of refining, effort, and qualification, you end up with a much smaller group of highly qualified candidates at the other end. The process of making your way from a large group of potential candidates to a much smaller group of more valuable candidates is what we refer to as the funnel process. The best agents, as well as the best business owners in general, are good at two things: 1.  Putting large numbers of people into the top of their funnel. 2.  Moving those people from one stage of the funnel to the next. For context, let’s look at how this process works in other businesses and organizations...

  • Sales Funnel Optimization Strategies
    eBook - ePub

    Sales Funnel Optimization Strategies

    Discover How To Optimize Your Funnels For Maximum Conversions

    • empreender(Author)
    • 2021(Publication Date)
    • Bibliomundi

    ...Focus on conversion at the end of the funnel first. Then work back up the funnel to maximize the effectiveness of each step prior to conversion. Sales funnels have different components This is where people screw up. They think that a sales funnel is just all about converting traffic into cash. They don't realize that you need to give people information so they would trust you enough to buy whatever it is you are pushing. Accordingly, a sales funnel is made up of 2 parts. The content funnel and a conversion funnel. Don't confuse the 2. They are not one and the same. They overlap each other, but they are not one and the same. A conversion funnel takes traffic and turns it into cash by getting the prospect to go through a series of pages or blocks of text within one page. As the person progresses through each section, that person develops the following: First, they get the impression that you know what you're talking about. They start to believe that you are knowledgeable enough about whatever it is you’re talking about for them to continue to read your stuff. This can be in one page; this can be in a couple of pages; or this can take place in a series of pages or it can take the form of a series of emails. Regardless, it's all about building credibility. An effective conversion funnel sets things up in such a way that the more your prospect reads your stuff, the more they believe you. This ultimately creates enough trust for your prospect to do what you want them to do. This can take different forms. You can ask them to fill out a form and when they fill out the form, you get paid by a sponsor. You can ask them to click on a sales link that says “Order Now.” When they buy something, you get a commission. You can ask them to enter their email address and join your mailing list. Regardless of the form it takes, the goal of a conversion funnel is the same...