
Online advertising

Online advertising refers to the promotion of products or services using the internet. It encompasses various forms such as display ads, social media ads, search engine marketing, and email marketing. Online advertising allows businesses to target specific audiences, track performance metrics, and optimize campaigns in real time.

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8 Key excerpts on "Online advertising"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Business
    eBook - ePub


    The Ultimate Resource

    ...Understanding the Key Principles of Internet Marketing GETTING STARTED If your business has an online presence, you need to harness the power of that presence so that your company benefits. Internet marketing is about giving, rather than getting, attention. As an adjunct to traditional marketing, it supports and enhances the overall marketing message by providing comprehensive information that answers consumers’ questions about a particular product or service. Internet marketing also exploits the networking capabilities of the Web by leveraging online community activities, linking, affiliate marketing, viral marketing, email marketing, and loyalty programs. When approaching Internet marketing, keep the following in mind: • When visitors come to a Web site they are already aware of the brand. They want information. • Use Internet technology to understand the needs of your customers, so that you can offer them just the right information and products. • Remember that the Internet empowers the consumer. A dissatisfied consumer can use the networking capabilities of the Internet to undermine your brand. FAQs What about Online advertising? As a pure branding tool, Online advertising does not have the same impact as television or glossy media, because of bandwidth restrictions. Studies indicate that most consumers avoid interactive ads because they simply take too much time to download. However, the real power of Online advertising is not its mass-marketing impact but, rather, its ability to reach niche markets and target the right consumer with the right product. The contextual advertising services like Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing allow even small-scale advertisers to refine their advertising in this way. Advertising success is also claimed by opt-in email-based marketing, where consumers request information on a particular product or service...

  • Efficient Marketing Concept for hotels and restaurants
    eBook - ePub

    Efficient Marketing Concept for hotels and restaurants

    Marketing stragies for the future-oriented host

    ...8. Online Marketing 8.1 Definition Online Marketing is part of the communication activities and comprises all measures and instruments that are used via the Internet to position or market a company, product, offer or service. 8.2 Online Marketing synonyms Web Marketing Internet Marketing Digital Marketing 8.3 Objectives of online Marketing Better placement in search engines like Bing, Fireball, Google,, or Yahoo Guest and customer loyalty, acquisition of new customers Increasing the level of attention to a product, offer, service or brand Increase in traffic (number of visits to the website) Image improvement (branding) The main objective of online Marketing measures is to increase sales and/or raise the level of attention to products or offers. 8.4 Graphical representation of online instruments 8.5 Online Marketing Instruments 8.5.1 Affiliate Marketing (partner program): Affiliates advertise partner companies, products, offers and services on their website and receive commission for doing so. 8.5.2. Banner advertising: Online advertising with graphic advertising material that leads links to the website of another company or to a separate landing page. Synonyms for banner advertising: display advertising, display advertising 8.5.3 E-mail advertising: Sending advertising messages via e-mail. E-mail advertising is an efficient advertising medium. However, the sender of e-mail advertising must be careful who receives the mails, because of the strict rules of the EU data protection basic regulation. Trends are the integration of social media buttons as well as the integration of videos into newsletters. 8.5.4 Influencer Marketing: It is also called multiplier Marketing and is a sub-instrument of online Marketing...

  • The Psychology of Advertising
    • Bob M. Fennis, Wolfgang Stroebe(Authors)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...On the other hand, even in the online sphere, there is ample room for deliberate and effortful processes to play their part in affecting how consumers respond to Online advertising. Features of Online advertising When discussing specific manifestations of Online advertising, a useful framework is offered by Goldfarb (2014). This author highlights a key difference between online and offline advertising, namely the potential for targeting : identifying and reaching segments of consumers with specific and shared characteristics such as shared preferences, values or lifestyles and matching the core message of advertising to these characteristics. While large volumes of online ads are still untargeted and undirected, the Web offers advertisers vast opportunities to efficiently target their offerings to specific audiences of consumers with known preferences, beliefs or behaviours that match them. As Goldfarb (2014) notes, while both conventional, offline and Online advertising offer opportunities for targeting, the costs for Online advertising are substantially lower than for offline advertising. The reason for these lower costs is the technology behind Online advertising. In essence, all Internet communication consists of direct, two-way communication between a server that hosts content and an end computer that requests this content. Once the end computer sends the request to the server, it sends along its address (usually the IP address), which the server computer uses to send the requested information. Importantly, each request is recorded in a digital log...

  • Digital Branding
    eBook - ePub

    Digital Branding

    A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Strategy, Tactics, Tools and Measurement

    • Daniel Rowles(Author)
    • 2022(Publication Date)
    • Kogan Page

    ...08 Online advertising Let’s start by being cynical (or perhaps realistically pragmatic!). Online advertising is probably the easiest aspect of digital marketing to waste your budget on and carry out ineffective campaigns. This is because banner ads are the easiest part of our digital branding to understand from a traditional advertising perspective. This means that many traditional marketers’ approach to digital has been to create print/TV ads and then create digital equivalents of these in a banner format. This approach is generally poorly targeted and not adjusted accordingly for the digital channel it is delivered through. Much of the blame for this lies with agencies that don’t really understand digital, but also because it is a channel that lends itself to a ‘broadcast’ approach. I have said that justifying marketing activity for which we could calculate the return is often put down to ‘brand building’ and this has been particularly true of banner ads. As click-through rates go down, we persuade ourselves that it is not about the click, but we do little to measure its effectiveness. We will remedy that in Part Three, but in this chapter we look briefly at the key factors involved in Online advertising and how they impact our digital branding. The positive side of Online advertising is that we now have a wide range of creative and targeting options that can improve the effectiveness of our ads, along with the analytics and metrics to judge their success. I am not against Online advertising, but it is always wise to keep your eye on the end objective. Online advertising is fundamentally about various forms of banner advertising, including video ads and, as mentioned in Chapter 6, paid search is a form of advertising...

  • Absolute Essentials of Digital Marketing
    • Alan Charlesworth(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...It has become common for advertising on certain platforms to be identified as marketing on those platforms. The obvious villains of this advertising piece are: advertising on search engines, advertising on social media and advertising on mobile devices which are too frequently combined with other disciplines to form search engine marketing (SEO and advertising on SERPs), social media marketing (social media engagement and advertising on social media) and mobile marketing (all aspects of digital marketing including advertising on mobile devices). The argument in favour of the advertising is advertising approach includes that: The development of effective adverts requires a specific skill set which is not necessarily available in an SEO or social media environment. There are other recognized types of Online advertising including network/display, programmatic, retargeting and Amazon – which means an organization could have several advertising individuals, teams or agencies all working in, or for, different digital marketing departments. Advertising campaigns should be coordinated across platforms – an essential element of any strategic initiative. Such coordination can also include harmonization with offline advert campaigns. Automated, programmatic, network or display? Seemingly used at random when referring to aspects of Online advertising it’s reasonable to assert that no-one can really clarify these terms. The problems arise, mainly, from the terminology used – and the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of them. The author has taken a considered stance on the use of the terms which suit the purposes of this particular book – but which may or may not be agreed by others. For more on this subject, see Further Reading at the end of this chapter. Ad delivery There are four fundamental ways in which an ad can be delivered to a web page...

  • Marketing the e-Business
    • Lisa Harris, Charles Dennis(Authors)
    • 2007(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...A number of innovative Online advertising techniques are now available and for best results online and offline marketing campaigns need to be effectively integrated. Companies without extensive marketing budgets to spend on promotion can make use of low-cost techniques such as viral marketing or search engine optimisation in order to attract and retain business. Questions Question 9.1 What advantages does Online advertising offer over more traditional methods? Question 9.1 Feedback Online advertising offers scope for interaction with customers, the ability to target key customer groups and directly measure the impact of individual advertisements. It also provides opportunities for creative integration of online and offline campaigns. Question 9.2 Why have click through rates on banner advertisements improved over the past couple of years? Question 9.2 Feedback The technology behind banner advertisements has matured and so provides increasing scope for animation, sound and interactivity to engage the viewer. As more Internet users upgrade their computers and migrate to fast broadband connections that can download content quickly, opportunities are provided to incorporate video clips into advertisements more widely. It could be argued that the novelty factor of these innovations will soon wear off, because in the early days of the Internet even static banner advertisements attracted the curiosity of viewers. Question 9.3 Why is permission such a key aspect of effective online customer communications? Question 9.3 Feedback Companies which take care to engage only with customers who have actively given their permission (and sustained this permission over time) will reap rewards in terms of customer trust and loyalty, even if the total number of customer contacts is reduced. It can be argued that what is lost in terms of quantity is gained in terms of quality...

  • Pricing, Online Marketing Behavior, and Analytics

    ...2 Online Marketing Communication Channels Abstract: This chapter presents the different online marketing channels. It starts with display advertising and moves on to the subject of search engine optimization. These tools, along with e-mails with personalized newsletters, are necessary for companies to have a strong, effective presence on the Internet. Also, the completely new framework represented by social media, which has become relevant in recent years, is discussed. Finally, the chapter describes the new frontier of online marketing—mobile marketing—that is capturing new market segments. Viglia, Giampaolo. Pricing, Online Marketing Behavior, and Analytics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. DOI : 10.1057/9781137413260.0007. 2. 1 Introduction There are some industries such as e-commerce where the use of online marketing communication channels is imperative. The challenge is to combine the most appropriate channels to maximize benefits and reduce the cost of their use (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Continuous monitoring plays a crucial role in detecting the needs of the market and adapting the products to those needs (push-pull). There are many different online marketing channels that companies use nowadays that are presented in this chapter. The evolution of technology and the speed of change forces companies to adapt and to innovate. Every day we find new features in each of the channels that enhance consumer satisfaction, or new marketing channels develop rapidly and become quite popular within a few months. The speed of development varies depending on the channel and its use; moreover, the diffusion has become much faster over the last few years compared with the past. As mentioned by Pendleton et al. (2012), the new web environment needs to account for the active role of the consumer, using “pull” strategies to capture interest through new technologies...

  • Advertising For Dummies
    • Gary Dahl(Author)
    • 2011(Publication Date)
    • For Dummies

    ...Personalized service just about always leads to happy customers. Amazon. com greets consumers by name and offers reading and video suggestions tailored to the individual. People love the notion that someone is looking after their needs and interests. The first step is to determine your own Online advertising direction. Speaking generally, you can choose from three strategies in an online effort: Branding campaigns, in which the goal is to get people to recognize your product or company name Click-through campaigns, in which you get people to click on your ad in order to be taken to your Web site Sell-through campaigns, in which you get people to buy right away You can design different banners depending on your goals — the same banner just won’t work for all three strategies. Choose one goal per banner so that you meet your objectives. Use a good mix of the three campaigns, which I describe in detail in the following sections. Ads that build awareness Branding means getting people to recognize your name (in a positive way, of course). The idea is that if someone sees your name enough times, he’ll remember it later when he thinks about purchasing. For example, a person seeing an ad on TV for a certain type of toilet paper doesn’t leap out of his chair and rush to the store. But he may remember the brand some day when he’s in the store. The same is true for Internet ads. A recent study shows that the primary reason for advertising on the Internet has, in fact, shifted toward branding — and away from Web site traffic-building and sales generation. This strategy makes a lot of sense when you realize that sales resistance is strong when a user is intent on buying something else. The drawback to advertising for branding purposes is that the success of a campaign is difficult (if not impossible) to measure. Because of this, some companies decide that branding-type banners aren’t for them...