
Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions are used to find the rate of change of an angle with respect to a variable. They are derived using the chain rule and involve the use of trigonometric identities. The derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions are important in calculus and are used in various applications such as physics and engineering.

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4 Key excerpts on "Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions"

  • Foundations of Mathematics
    eBook - ePub

    Foundations of Mathematics

    Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus

    XAMPLE 8.5.1. Using the sum, product, and quotient rules, respectively, (i)


      We will use formulas (8.3) and (8.6) to compute the derivatives of trigonometric functions.
    If f(x) = sin(x) and g(x) = cos(x), then
    (These limits are given in formula (7.5).) Furthermore, we can compute f′(x) and g′(x) for any x by making use of the trigonometric identities for sin(A + B) and cos(A + B), the rules for limits and the two limits computed above:
    We have thus obtained the following derivative formulas. The derivatives of the remaining four trigonometric ratios can be obtained by means of the reciprocal trigonometric identities and the quotient and product rules. For example,
    The proofs of the remaining trigonometric ratios are left as exercises. It is well worthwhile memorizing their derivatives given in table 8.1 .
    TABLE 8.1. Derivatives of trigonometric ratios
    The following examples demonstrate the product rule combined with the derivatives of trigonometric functions.
    EXAMPLE 8.6.1.


      By means of the examples below, we demonstrate how the techniques of calculus can be used to solve many kinds of practical problems.
    In the first example, we introduce the important notion of instantaneous rate of change and explain how it relates to the derivative of a time–displacement function of an object in motion. The general study or science of motion is called dynamics, and, because of this relationship of the derivative to instantaneous change, calculus is an essential tool in dynamics. A more general and sophisticated expression for a moving body than a simple time–displacement function is a differential equation. Students often ask why they need to learn calculus. The best answer to this question is that calculus is the foundation for the mathematics of differential equations.
    EXAMPLE 8.7.1. A car approaches an intersection with time–displacement function s(t) = t2 −4, where s is measured in meters and t is measured in seconds. (The letter s is the variable that physicists typically use to represent displacement or position, and t is the letter used to represent time, so s(t) is a function that gives the position of the car at any given time.) The value s
  • Trigonometry For Dummies
    • Mary Jane Sterling(Author)
    • 2014(Publication Date)
    • For Dummies
    Part IV

    Equations and Applications

    Find the geometric properties that are most used when studying trigonometry in a free article at .
    In this part…
    • Become acquainted with inverse trig functions.
    • Identify the domains and ranges of the inverse trig functions.
    • Recognize the pairings of the quadrants used by each inverse function.
    • Solve trig equations using identities and inverse functions.
    • Write expressions to include infinitely many answers.
    • Find the areas of triangles using trig functions in the formulas.
    Passage contains an image
    Chapter 15

    Investigating Inverse Trig Functions

    In This Chapter
    Acquainting yourself with inverse notation
    Setting limits on inverse trig functions
    Determining domain and range of inverse trig functions
    A s thrilling and fulfilling as the original six trig functions are, they just aren't complete without their inverses. An inverse trig function behaves like the inverse of any other type of function — it undoes what the original function did. In mathematics, functions can have inverses if they're one-to-one, meaning each output value occurs only once. This whole inverse idea is going to take some fast talking when it comes to trig functions, because they keep repeating values over and over as angles are formed with every full rotation of the circle — so you're going to wonder how these functions and inverses can be one-to-one. If you need a refresher on basic inverse functions, flip on back to Chapter 3 for the lowdown on them and how you determine one.

    Writing It Right

    You use inverse trig functions to solve equations such as
    or sec x = –2, or tan 2x = 1. In typical algebra equations, you can solve for the value of x by dividing each side of the equation by the coefficient or by adding the same thing to each side, and so on. But you can't do that with the function .
    Would it make sense to divide each side by sine? “Out, out thou sine!” Here's what you'd get:
  • Elementary Calculus
    eBook - ePub

    Elementary Calculus

    An Infinitesimal Approach

    π/2, we have
    Figure 7.3.6
    We shall next study the derivatives of the inverse trigonometric functions. Here is a general theorem which tells us when the derivative of the inverse function exists and gives a rule for computing its value.
    Suppose a real function f is differentiable on an open interval I and f has an inverse function g. Let x be a point in I where f′(x) ≠ 0 and let y = f(x). Then
    (i)g′(y) exists,
    We omit the proof that g′(y) exists. Intuitively, the curve y = f(x) has a nonhorizontal tangent line, so the curve x = g(y) should have a nonvertical tangent line and thus g′(y) should exist.
    The Inverse Function Rule from Chapter 2 says that (ii) is true if we assume (i). The proof of (ii) from (i) is an application of the Chain Rule:
    The Inverse Function Theorem shows that all the inverse trigonometric functions have derivatives. We now evaluate these derivatives.
    PROOF We prove the first part of (i) and (iii). Since the derivatives exist we may use implicit differentiation.
    (i) Let y = arcsin x. Then
    From sin2 y + cos2 y = 1 we get
    Since –π/2 ≤ yπ/2, cos y ≥ 0. Then
    (iii) Let y = arcsec x.
    From tan2 y + 1 = sec2 y we get .
    Since 0 ≤ yπ, tan y and have the same sign.
    Therefore and When we turn these formulas for derivatives around we get some surprising new integration formulas.
    From part (i), arcsin x and –arccos x must differ only by a constant. We already knew this from Example 5,
    Before now we were not able to find the area of the regions under the curves It is a remarkable and quite unexpected fact that these areas are given by inverse trigonometric functions.
    EXAMPLE 6 (a) Find the area of the region under the curve
    for –1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
    (b)Find the area of the region under the same curve for –∞ < x < ∞. The regions are shown in Figure 7.3.7
  • The Calculus
    eBook - ePub

    The Calculus

    A Genetic Approach

    30. INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Purely formally, we obtain:
    FIG. 100
    FIG. 101
    FIG. 102
    Now for exact definitions. Figure 100 shows the graph of sin x , x being given in arc measurement. Each monotonic part of this function gives rise to an inverse function. Even when aiming at a greatest possible connected part, we
    FIG. 103
    FIG. 104
    FIG. 105
    would still have the choice between infinitely many inverse functions. Mathematicians have agreed to use the interval − π/2 ≤ x < π/2.
    In the adjacent group of figures (Figs, 101–6 ) the so-called principal branch of each of the inverse trigonometric functions is shown. The other “branches” for arc tan x are obtained from the principal one by merely adding integer multiples of π: . . . − 2π + arc tan x , − π + arc tan x ,
    arc tan x ,
    π + arc tan x , 2π + arc tan x ,. . . .
    FIG. 106
    31. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL FUNCTIONS If we have to differentiate a function such as
    it would be convenient to place cos x = u , sin x = v , such that
    where u and v are each functions of x . How do we now find f ′(x )? Placing u(x) = u1 and we have
    Now, as x 1 approaches
    x, (u1
    u )/x 1 x ) approaches u ′(x ) and (v 1 v )/x 1 x ) approaches v ′(x ). Therefore
    approaches the derivative of F (u, v ) with respect to v , in which u plays the role of a constant. We designate this derivative as. More difficult is the question as to what becomes of
    For, as x 1 approaches
    x, v 1
    does not remain constant as did u but approaches v . Now it is very plausible that the quotient in question does approach the derivative of F (u, v ) with respect to u , with v being kept constant, which we designate by F 1 (u , v ); but this is a point which we shall have to consider more closely later on (so far the third point postponed for later discussion). Accepting this result, we then have
    The second expression gives a new way of writing the derivatives F 1 and F 2 , where ∂ indicates that only the one of the variables u and v varies while the other stays constant. (As in Section 24, we should really devote an additional discussion to the case of vanishing denominators u 1 u and v 1 v
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