
Infinite geometric series

An infinite geometric series is a sum of an infinite number of terms that form a geometric sequence. In this series, each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a constant ratio. The sum of an infinite geometric series can be calculated using the formula S = a / (1 - r), where S is the sum, a is the first term, and r is the common ratio.

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6 Key excerpts on "Infinite geometric series"

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  • Barron's Math 360: A Complete Study Guide to Pre-Calculus with Online Practice

    ...Find the sum of the first nine terms by using the formula, where, and n = 9: EXERCISE 2 Finding the Terms of a Geometric Sequence and Their Sum If the first term of a geometric sequence is 36 and the fifth term is, what is the sum of the first six terms of this sequence? SOLUTION Find the common ratio using the formula a n = a 1 r n −1, where, and n = 5: To find the sum of the first six terms of this sequence, for use the formula, where, and n = 6: You should verify that if. Infinite geometric series If the common ratio, r, of a nonending geometric sequence is between 0 and 1 or between −1 and 0, the sum of its terms converges to a real number that can be determined using the following formula: SUM OF TERMS OF AN Infinite geometric series, provided that | r | < 1. EXERCISE 3 Representing a Repeating Decimal as an Infinite geometric series Express the repeating decimal 0.131313… as the ratio of two integers. SOLUTION Because 0.131313… = 0.13 + 0.13(.01) +. 0.13(.01) 2 + 0.13(.01) 3 + …, the repeating decimal 0.131313… can be written as the sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence in which the common ratio is 0.01. To find the sum of the terms, use the formula, where a 1 = 0.13 and r = 0.01: Hence, the repeating decimal 0.131313… can be written in ratio form as. Lesson 15-3: Generalized Sequences KEY IDEAS Sequences can be described by formula-type expressions. The sum of any number of consecutive terms of a generalized sequence can be indicated by using the symbol Σ, the capital Greek letter sigma. VIEWING A SEQUENCE AS A FUNCTION A sequence is a function whose domain is a set of consecutive whole numbers that represent the position numbers of the terms in the sequence and whose range is the corresponding terms of the sequence...

  • AP&reg; Calculus AB & BC Crash Course Book + Online

    ...PART V SEQUENCES AND SERIES Chapter 16 Sequences and Series I. SEQUENCES —a sequence is a list of numbers separated by commas a 1, a 2, a 3,..., a k,..., that may or may not have a pattern. A. Arithmetic and geometric sequences 1. The formula for the n th term of an arithmetic sequence (one that is formed by adding the same constant repeatedly to an initial value) is a n = a 1 + (n – 1) d where a 1 is the first term of the sequence, n is the number of terms in the sequence, and d is the common difference. The formula for the n th term of a geometric sequence (one that is formed by multiplying the same constant repeatedly to an initial value) a n = a 1 r (n –1) where a 1 is the first term, r is the common ratio, and n is the number of terms in the sequence. 2. Convergent sequences—a sequence converges if it approaches a number. A sequence can be thought of as a function whose domain is the set of positive integers. As such, the concept of limit of a sequence is the same as the concept of limit of a function. 3. Divergent Sequences—a sequence is divergent if it does not approach a particular number; that is, it approaches ±∞. II. SERIES —a series is the sum of the terms of a sequence. A series converges if the sequence of its partial sums converges. For the sequence of partial sums is given by where S 1 = a 1, S 2 = a 1 + a 2, S 3 = a 1 + a 2 + a 3,..., S k = a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + … + a k. With most series, it is possible only to figure out whether it converges (or diverges) but not to figure out the actual sum. In general, the series for which it is possible to find the sum, if it exists, are geometric series and telescoping series. A. Types of infinite series 1. Geometric series —this series is of the form This series converges (that is, its sum exists) if and only if | r | < 1 (that is, –1 < r < 1). If it converges, its sum is given by. 2. p - series,, converges when p > 1 and diverges when 0 < p ≤ 1. 3. Alternating series are series with terms whose signs alternate...

  • Effective Techniques to Motivate Mathematics Instruction
    • Alfred Posamentier, Stephen Krulik(Authors)
    • 2016(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...Does this distance ever reach 1? Or is there always one-half of some distance remaining? Is there a mathematical method for resolving this apparent conflict? This leads to a lesson on the Infinite geometric series with ratio less than 1. The Infinite geometric series with a common ratio less than one is a mathematical puzzlement to many students. Obviously, you can physically reach the doorway. However, mathematically, the sum of the sequence is never ending. The sum of the series is given by the formula, where a is the first term of the series and r is the common ratio of the geometric series. Here,, and. Therefore, here we have. Thus the limit of the sum of the terms in this series is 1 (the total distance from the wall to the door). Students should understand that this represents the limit of the sum of the terms in the series, and mathematically you will never reach the door. You can create a sense of amusement by continuing out the door....

  • Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance
    • F. Xavier Malcata(Author)
    • 2020(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...(2.97) and (2.98). Figure 2.5 Variation of value of n ‐term geometric series, S n, normalized by first term, u 0, as a function of n – for selected values of ratio, k. An alternative proof of Eq. (2.93) comes from finite induction; one should first confirm that it applies to n = 0, i.e. (2.100) Furthermore, one should prove that, if Eq. (2.93) is valid for any given n, then it will necessarily apply to n + 1, viz. (2.101) according to Eq. (2.87), one has it that (2.102) per definition – or, after splitting the summation, (2.103) Elimination of parenthesis transforms Eq. (2.103) to (2.104) where Eq. (2.87), coupled with validity of Eq. (2.93) for a given n permit transformation of Eq. (2.104) to (2.105) once u 0 is factored out, Eq. (2.105) becomes (2.106) and elimination of parenthesis produces, in turn, (2.107) Cancelation of symmetrical terms, complemented with condensation of factors alike transform Eq. (2.107) to (2.108) that coincides with Eq. (2.101) ; therefore, Eq. (2.93) will be valid for n + 1 provided that it holds for n – and one accordingly concludes, together with its validity for n = 0, that Eq. (2.93) is universally applicable to (every) n. 2.1.3 Arithmetic/Geometric Series An arithmetic/geometric sequence is the result of multiplying a geometric progression by an arithmetic progression, and looks like (2.109) in general – with k 1 serving as increment and k 2 serving as ratio, besides u 0 serving as first term; one may write Eq. (2.109) in a more condensed form as (2.110) – which is a hybrid of Eqs. (2.76) and (2.87). If both sides are multiplied by k 2, then Eq. (2.109) becomes (2.111) so ordered subtraction of Eq. (2.111) from Eq. (2.109) is in order to yield (2.112) – where parentheses were taken out for convenience; after factoring out in the left‐hand side, and condensing similar terms in the right‐hand side, Eq. (2.112) becomes (2.113) One may now factor out k 1 k 2 or (as appropriate) in Eq...

  • Barron's Math 360: A Complete Study Guide to Pre-Algebra with Online Practice

    ...If the sequence is arithmetic, name the common difference and the next three terms. a) 2, 5, 8, 11, … b) –6, 5, 16, 27, … c), 1, 2, 4, … d) 2, 6, 18, 24, … e) 18, 11, 4, –3, … SOLUTIONS 1) a) arithmetic Common difference: +3 Next three terms: 14, 17, 20 b) arithmetic Common difference: +11 Next three terms: 38, 49, 60 c) not arithmetic d) not arithmetic e) arithmetic Common difference: –7 Next three terms: –10, –17, –24 18.3 What Are Geometric Sequences? DEFINITIONS Geometric sequence A sequence in which the quotient of any two terms is the same. So, you can find the next term by multiplying the previous term by the same number. Each number is called a term in the sequence. Common ratio The quotient. In this case, the common ratio is +5. Sometimes you are asked to verify if a sequence is geometric. You would compare the terms and look for the common ratio. If there is no common ratio, then the sequence is not geometric. EXAMPLE: The common ratio is –3; therefore, it is a geometric sequence. There is no common ratio; therefore, it is not a geometric sequence. You can use the common ratio to help you find terms in a sequence by continuing the pattern. Using the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, we can find the next few terms by knowing that the common ratio is 2. EXAMPLE 18.3 1) State whether the sequence is geometric. If the sequence is geometric, name the common ratio and the next three terms. a) 2, 6, 18, 54, … b) 25, 22, 19, 16, … c) 64, 32, 16, 8, … d) e) SOLUTIONS 1) a) geometric Common ratio: 3 Next three terms: 162, 486, 1,458 b) not geometric c) geometric Next three terms: 4, 2, 1 d) geometric e) geometric Review Exercises 1) Tell whether the sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither. a) 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 b) 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 c) 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 d) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 e) 100, 10, 1,.1,.01...

  • The Big Typescript
    eBook - ePub
    • Ludwig Wittgenstein, C. Grant Luckhardt, Maximilian E. Aue(Authors)
    • 2012(Publication Date)
    • Wiley-Blackwell

    ...I find out what a series is by having it explained to me, and only to the extent that it is explained to me. A finite series was explained to me by examples of the type 1, 2, 3, 4, an infinite one by signs of the type “1, 2, 3, 4, etc.” or “1, 2, 3, 4 …”. It is important that I can understand (see) a 17 rule of projection without having it in front of me in a general notation. I can infer a general rule from the series, and to be sure, I can infer any number of others too, but nevertheless I can also infer a particular rule, and that means that for me this series was somehow the expression of this one rule. If you have “intuitively” understood the law of the formation of a series, e.g., of the series m, so that you are therefore able to construct an arbitrary term m (v), then you have understood that law completely, that is to say, as well as an algebraic formulation, for example, could convey it. 18 That is, you can’t understand it any better with such a formulation. And therefore to that extent neither is this formulation more rigorous. Although of course it can be more easily remembered. We are inclined to believe that the notation that represents a series by writing down a few terms along with the sign “etc.” is essentially inexact, as 19 opposed to the statement of the general term. Believing this, we forget that the statement of the general term refers to a basic series that cannot in turn be described by a general term. Thus 2n + 1 is the general term for the odd numbers, when n ranges over the cardinal numbers, but it would be nonsense to say that n was the general term of the series of cardinal numbers. If you want to define this series, you can’t do it by specifying “the general term n”, but only by an explanation of the type 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1, etc...