
Solving and Graphing Quadratic Equations

Solving and graphing quadratic equations involves finding the values of the variable that satisfy the equation and plotting the resulting parabolic curve on a coordinate plane. This process often includes factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula to find the solutions, and then using these solutions to graph the corresponding parabola.

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3 Key excerpts on "Solving and Graphing Quadratic Equations"

  • Foundations of GMAT Math
    Chapter 7: Quadratic Equations
    In This Chapter:
      •  Manipulating quadratic expressions and solving quadratic equations Mechanics of Quadratic Equations In high school algebra, you learned a number of skills for dealing with quadratic equations. For the GMAT, you need to relearn those skills.
    Let's define terms first. A quadratic expression contains a squared variable, such as x2 , and no higher power. The word “quadratic” comes from the Latin word for “square.” Here are a few quadratic expressions:
    z2 y2 + y – 6 x2 + 8x + 16 w2 – 9
    A quadratic expression can also be disguised. You might not see the squared exponent on the variable explicitly. Here are some disguised quadratic expressions.
    z × z (y + 3)(y – 2) (x + 4)2 (w – 3)(w + 3)
    If you multiply these expressions out—that is, if you distribute them—then you see the exponents on the variables. Note that the second list corresponds to the first list exactly.
    A quadratic equation contains a quadratic expression and an equals sign.
    Quadratic expression = something else
    A quadratic equation usually has two solutions. That is, in most cases, two different values of the variable each make the equation true. Solving a quadratic equation means finding those values.
    Before you can solve quadratic equations, you have to be able to distribute and factor quadratic expressions.
    Distribute (a + b)(x + y) Use FOIL
    Recall that distributing means applying multiplication across a sum.
    = 5 × 3 + 5 × 4
    equals five times three plus five times four.
    You can omit the multiplication sign next to parentheses. Also, the order of the product doesn't matter, and subtraction works the same way as addition. Here are more examples:
  • Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching High School
    eBook - ePub
    • Edward C. Nolan, Juli K. Dixon, Farhsid Safi, Erhan Selcuk Haciomeroglu(Authors)
    • 2016(Publication Date)
    Throughout high school, students extend their interaction with linear equations to include representing and solving systems of equations graphically. Following explorations from grade 8 when students analyzed and solved linear equations and solved systems of linear equations, high school students make sense of the solution of systems of linear equations and connect multiple representations of systems of equations to one another. In addition, they prove that the method of substitution or elimination produces a system with the same solutions.
    Students explore quadratic functions in the standard, factored, and vertex forms. They derive the vertex form and the quadratic formula by completing the square so that they can apply these forms to represent, understand, and solve real-world and mathematical problems. Students will further explore and apply quadratic functions and other functions in later high school work.
    The Mathematics
    The ability to represent both real-world and mathematical situations in many different ways is important to solve problems. Students develop flexibility in the ways they mathematize situations by exploring multiple representations of functions and by justifying the procedures they use. Learning to create and use these representations is important in solving problems efficiently. High school students must be able to model contexts through visualization, explore different forms of linear functions, and explore different forms of quadratic equations.
    Modeling Contexts Through Visualization
    Students learn to model contexts with mathematics in elementary school and the middle grades. This often occurs in ways that are different than the ways that many teachers learned to make sense of these situations. Consider the middle school bridge task provided in figure 2.5 . How would you solve it?
    Figure 2.5: Bridge task.
    Often teachers reason in ways that mask some aspects of a mathematical relationship. For example, you might make a table to solve this problem similar to the one provided in table 2.1 . How could you use this table to find the number of beams in a bridge of length n
  • Foundations of Mathematics
    eBook - ePub

    Foundations of Mathematics

    Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus

    in order to write the solution:
    If we allow the usual algebraic processes for taking the square roots of fractions, that is, then the solution simplifies to
    These numbers involving are called complex numbers. A convenient way to write complex numbers is to use the notation Then, we can write and so the solution above can be expressed as
    Complex numbers and the notation i will be explained further in section 3.6 .
    We now derive the general formula for the solution of a quadratic equation, known as the quadratic formula. In order to solve the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, we replace the left-hand side of the equation with the expression from formula (3.2). Thus, we need to solve the equation
    As in the examples above, this means that The more usual way to write this is to use the ± notation, which means + or −, that is,
    The quadratic formula provides a shortcut for solving a quadratic equation. All one has to do is identify the values of a, b, and c with the coefficient of x2 , the coefficient of x and the constant term, respectively, and substitute them into the quadratic formula.
    REMARK 3.3.1. The quantity b2 − 4ac that appears inside the square root in formula (3.3) is called the discriminant. More about this later.
    EXAMPLE 3.3.5. We can solve the equation −4x2 − 13x + 7 = 0 by substituting a = −4, b = −13, and c = 7 in the quadratic formula, that is,


    Polynomials and the algebraic operations that can be applied to them are the main concern of this chapter. We will begin with the formal definition of a polynomial (in one variable) and then explain how polynomials can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided.
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