Technology & Engineering

Excel Charts

Excel charts are visual representations of data created within Microsoft Excel. They allow users to present data in various formats such as bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs, making it easier to interpret and analyze information. Excel charts are customizable, allowing users to modify colors, labels, and other elements to effectively communicate their data.

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6 Key excerpts on "Excel Charts"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2007 for Scientists and Engineers
    • Bernard Liengme(Author)
    • 2008(Publication Date)
    • Academic Press

    ...Chapter 7 Charts Publisher Summary Engineers and scientists generally make a graph while other professions make charts. Frequently, the graph that the technical person makes is what Excel calls a XYScatter chart where the x- and the y-values are numeric-ordered pairs. This chapter uses the word chart since this is the term that must be used in Help or when requesting assistance in newsgroups. This chapter opens up by making some simple charts and helps learn how to format various elements in them. It then proceeds to make more complex charts, including a combination chart, a chart with error bars, and charts with missing data. Major excel chart type include the major Excel chart types: column, bar, pie, line, area, and XY (scatter). This chapter also provides a brief introduction to the terminology used by Excel for various chart elements. Engineers and scientists generally talk about making a graph, while other professions make charts. Frequently, the graph that the technical person makes is what Excel calls an XY Scatter chart where the x - and the y -values are numeric-ordered pairs. Throughout this chapter we will use the word chart since this is the term we must use in Help or when requesting assistance in newsgroups. We start by making some simple charts and learning how to format various elements in them. We will proceed to make more complex charts, including a combination chart, a chart with error bars, and charts with missing data. Types of Charts Figure 7.1 shows the major Excel chart types: column, bar, pie, line, area, and XY (scatter). Figure 7.1 There are also so-called 3D versions of these charts, together with stock, surface, bubble, doughnut and radar. Once you have mastered some basic concepts, you will be able to generate any of these with a little experimentation. Line and XY Chart New Excel users often have trouble with the difference between Line and XY charts...

  • Data Visualization Made Simple
    eBook - ePub

    Data Visualization Made Simple

    Insights into Becoming Visual

    • Kristen Sosulski(Author)
    • 2018(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...These include column and horizontal bars, line, pie, area, radar, scatterplot, and spark lines. Excel is designed for working with data. Excel supports the pre-processing data and visualization in the same application. Charts created in Excel are easily ported to PowerPoint and Word. Excel Charts require customization to adhere to many of the design standards presented in this book. For instance, the default charts contain unnecessary non-data elements such as gridlines, tick marks, and borders. If you use Excel exclusively in your practice, consider creating chart templates to which you can apply your own chart style. See Figure 2.1 for an example of a radar chart created in Microsoft Excel. The number of bicycle rentals reaches highs in July but lows in August and September during hurricane season Figure 2.1 A radar chart created in Microsoft Excel Managers may do their analyses in Excel but present their charts in PowerPoint. There are additional plug-ins, for PowerPoint that extend the chart features and options. These include charting, layout, and additional data formatting features. Learn more at: i WORK Apple’s own productivity suite, iWork, which includes Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, offers basic 2D and 3D charts in addition to animated vertical and horizontal bars, scatter plots, and bubble charts. As with Excel, the default charts in iWork require that you reformat the default features to conform to your own aesthetic...

  • What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel
    • J. P. Holman, Blake K. Holman(Authors)
    • 2017(Publication Date)
    • CRC Press

    ...3 Charts and Graphs 3.1 Introduction The preparation, publication, and presentation of graphs and charts represent a significant portion of engineering practice. In Excel, a majority of such displays are given the designation of x–y scatter graphs. For this reason, we will concentrate our discussion on that type of graphical presentation. Bar graphs and column graphs are discussed briefly in Section 3.18, and surface (3-D) charts are discussed in Section 3.20. Obviously, the interested reader may explore other graphical possibilities. The display and discussion in Section 3.3 categorize the five types of scatter graphs available in Excel, along with a general statement of an application for each type. Examples of data presentations using scatter charts are given in this chapter as well as in the application sections of other chapters. Treatment of math and other symbols in graphical displays is discussed in this chapter and in sections of Chapter 4 connected with embedded drawing objects. An important part of the present chapter is concerned with the display and correlation of data using trend lines and the built-in least-squares analysis features of Excel. Examples are given for correlation equations using linear, power, and exponential functions. Section 3.19 discusses formatting and cosmetic adjustments that are available for the various graphs. As in other chapters in this book, many of the sections of this chapter are essentially self-contained and can be studied on a stand-alone basis. To provide for this capability, charts in some sections have been embedded with text along with a reduction in type size. As appropriate, cross-references are made to related sections of this and other chapters. 3.2 Moving Dialog Windows A small data set is shown in Figure 3.1a. INSERT/CHART/Line is clicked, producing the Chart insertion shown in Figure 3.1b...

  • Excel for Surveyors
    • Philip Bowcock, Natalie Bayfield(Authors)
    • 2014(Publication Date)
    • Estates Gazette

    ...Chapter 10 Charts 10.1 Types of chart in Excel How many times have you heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”? The graphical presentation of results is one of the most versatile and also one of the most informative means of conveying information to lay persons, and especially to clients. An explanation of terminology is necessary here. “Graphics” in computer work normally refers to drawings, photographs and other similar objects which may be derived from scanned images of photographs “drawn” on screen with the drawing toolbar in Microsoft Office or other specialist applications. A “graph” on the other hand is a representation of a mathematical function such as y=x 2. Excel considers graphs under the general heading of “charts”. Charts may generally be divided into two groups – those which set out to make comparisons of sets of data, for example pie charts and bar charts, and those which describe visually a mathematical function, such as the graph of the Amount of £1. 22 Excel can produce both types but the procedures differ slightly. We shall refer to these as “charts” and “graphs” respectively for present purposes. You will notice in the course of preparing charts and graphs that there are many forms available and you can experiment to find the one best suited to the purpose in hand. In Excel both are most easily produced with the Chart Wizard. 10.2 Setting up a chart Example You manage three blocks of flats on behalf of a tenants’ association and have the data below. You wish to present this in graphical form to the annual meeting of the tenants. We begin by entering headings into B1:D1 and A2:A6 and the data into B2:D6 as shown. (a)  Select cells B2:D6 by dragging. (b)  Among the buttons on the toolbar at the top of the screen is the Chart Wizard. Click on this and the cursor will become a cross-hair. (c)  Drag to create a rectangle of convenient size and position to contain the chart...

  • Visualize This
    eBook - ePub

    Visualize This

    The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics

    • Nathan Yau(Author)
    • 2011(Publication Date)
    • Wiley

    ...You have the all-familiar spreadsheet where you put your data, such as in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-1: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Then you can click the button with the little bar graph on it to make the chart you want. You get all your standard chart types (Figure 3-2) such as the bar chart, line, pie, and scatterplot. Some people scoff at Excel, but it’s not all that bad for the right tasks. For example, I don’t use Excel for any sort of deep analyses or graphics for a publication, but if I get a small dataset in an Excel file, as is often the case, and I want a quick feel for what is in front of me, then sure, I’ll whip up a graph with a few clicks in everyone’s favorite spreadsheet program. Graphs Really Can Be Fun The first graph I made on a computer was in Microsoft Excel for my fifth grade science fair project. My project partner and I tried to find out which surface snails moved on the fastest. It was ground-breaking research, I assure you. Even back then I remember enjoying the graph-making. It took me forever to learn (the computer was still new to me), but when I finally did, it was a nice treat. I entered numbers in a spreadsheet and then got a graph instantly that I could change to any color I wanted—blinding, bright yellow it is. Figure 3-2: Microsoft Excel chart options This ease of use is what makes Excel so appealing to the masses, and that’s fine. If you want higher quality data graphics, don’t stop here. Other tools are a better fit for that. Google Spreadsheets Google Spreadsheets is essentially the cloud version of Microsoft Excel with the familiar spreadsheet interface, obviously (Figure 3-3). Figure 3-3: Google Spreadsheets It also offers your standard chart types, as shown in Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4: Google Spreadsheets charting options Google Spreadsheets offers some advantages over Excel, however. First, because your data is stored on the Google servers, you can see your data on any computer as long as it has a web browser installed...

  • Data Analytics Made Easy
    eBook - ePub

    Data Analytics Made Easy

    Use machine learning and data storytelling in your work without writing any code

    ...7 Visualizing Data Effectively A chart is worth a thousand words, goes the old adage. Visual representation is often the preferred way to communicate numbers. As you can surely validate with your own experience, data charts are ubiquitous in business memos and presentations, as well as in newspaper articles and scientific papers. However, moving from data stored in a table to its graphic representation (a process called data visualization) is far from being trivial and risk-free. Although many software packages (including Power BI, Excel, KNIME, and so on) provide rapid ways to build charts in a matter of seconds, making effective and professional-looking visuals is far from being easy: it requires structured planning and disciplined execution. This chapter will give you a set of practical guidelines to ensure that your business messages are communicated clearly through an effective data visualization process. In particular, we will go through the following questions: What types of charts are available, and what are their peculiarities? Which chart should I use, considering the specific message I want to give? How do I ensure that visuals are immediate and less prone to misunderstandings? What are the common pitfalls to avoid when visualizing data? While in the previous chapter we focused on Power BI, in this one, we will acquire techniques that work well with any software able to produce visuals: in fact, think of data visualization as a tool-agnostic skill that you need to have in your data analytics practitioner's backpack. The flow of this chapter goes along the two essential phases of data visualization. The first step is to plan for our chart, considering the specific point we want to make and the chart types best serving our needs...