Future marketing leaders/2
eBook - ePub

Future marketing leaders/2

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eBook - ePub

Future marketing leaders/2

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Il libro prosegue l'esperienza ormai consolidata e di successo di social learning, avviato nel 2014 e sperimentato nell'ambito dei corsi di "Brand and Product Management" della Laurea Magistrale in Marketing e di "Advanced Marketing Management" della Laurea in Management della LUISS "Guido Carli", e i cui risultati sono stati pubblicati nel blog "LUISS Future Marketing Leaders" nel periodo Ottobre 2017-Febbraio 2018. icontributi sono degli studenti, frutto del loro processo di apprendimento, individuale e condiviso con colleghi, docenti e guest speaker intervenuti durante il corso delle lezioni, fornendo ciascuno un contributo distintivo all'incremento e alla diffusione del patrimonio di conoscenze su brand e comunicazione. Gli studenti hanno, ciascuno con il proprio approccio, saputo integrare i modelli tipici di un futuro Manager di Marketing, con gli strumenti ormai imprescindibili forniti dalle tecnologie digitali che hanno reso la costruzione individuale e la condivisione sociale della conoscenza una realtà imprescindibile. Ciascun contributo è un tassello aggiuntivo al bagaglio culturale di casi di successo (o di insuccesso) che fanno parte del processo "costruttivo" dei nuovi manager. Come nella prima edizione, i temi trattati, a scopo prettamente divulgativo, prendono spunto dalla contemporaneità e il dibattito si svolge con idee, immagini e video.

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Marketing edge

Revolutionising The World Of Fashion

With Virtual Reality
“Fashion now is much more than a product. It’s about entertainment and people feeling a part of something” – Christopher Bailey
Virtual reality is the new 2017 trend that has attracted everyone’s attention. After some personal experience in the automotive sector, we have come to realise that this innovation is the revolution of marketing.
We have completed a survey, mainly targeting students, which have shown that 94% of our 95 respondents have heard about virtual reality but 77% haven’t actually had the opportunity to experience it. Despite that, most of them would definitely like to have a go at it. For the lucky ones who have tried it, it was mainly associated to the video games industry. This means that there still is a lot of room for growth in other sector, deriving in the idea of directly implicating virtual reality in the industry of high fashion.
We have come to the idea of developing a virtual reality event for Koche, a young brand that positions itself in the “crossover of high fashion, street culture and contemporary art”. It would be a gathering of a reduced number of celebrities and influencers for the diffusion of a pre-fashion show in a completely virtual world, from the backstage, to the fashion show. The best part will be the fitting of the collection: the experiencers would be able to become models for one night.
The objective of this event is to create a positive word-of-mouth. The opportunity for Koche would be to boost its brand awareness and positioning itself as an attractive brand able to deal with new trends and new technologies. Koche will be the perfect candidate because the brand wants to “propose an intriguing new angle to fashion”, and virtual reality can contribute to this innovative aspect.
Julia Parin & Lucia Cervera

The impact of Instagram Influencers :

on the Fitness Industry

As you might have noticed, while browsing the explore tab on your Instagram feed or even through Instagram stories, ad placements, like the ones below, are everywhere, from subtle product placements to open sponsorships. The amount of fitness pages on Instagram offering inspiration and diet tips are numerous, but what do they all have in common? They are all promoting a certain brand or fitness programme they use and/or like, and they influence their follower base to do the same. This is basically the definition of Influencer Marketing, and that’s what we’ll be talking about in this article.
According to Forbes, 84 % of marketers include influencer marketing in their agenda, and Instagram is the number one platform for this. The main characteristic from this kind of marketing is that it is purely visual, which allows the influencer to show the benefits from using the brand, creating a connection between the consumer’s target physique and the brand in question. People build an intimate bond with the influencer and trust their recommendation, in fact, some brands even prefer influencers with smaller follower bases. In a world where ads have just become background noise, most of us just take out our phones to scroll through our feed when an ad comes on the TV.
According to Global Wellness, the fitness industry is worth about 1190 billion USD. This includes Fitness, Healthy eating, nutrition and weight-loss. Marketers spent 570 million USD on Instagram marketing just last year, indeed it is so popular that it’s creating a new service industry that puts influencers in contact with brands.
All of this suggests that as we’ve shifted from radio to TV, and from TV to internet, marketing in social media, Instagram in particular, will become one of the biggest platforms for companies to communicate with the next generation of consumers, something for fitness companies to keep in mind in their future marketing plans.
Emanuelsson Simon & Tyft Rasmus
1) https://www.globalwellnessinstitute.org/press-room/statistics-and-facts/
2) https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajagrawal/2016/12/27/why-influencer-marketing-will-explode-in-2017/#6ccef7ac20a9
3) http://www.thefashionlaw.com/home/the-business-of-influence-influencer-marketing-by-the-numbers

The Future wears denim

Let’s imagine a woman called Susan who is biking to work and is wearing a backpack, a denim jacket and a pair of trousers. It’s Monday morning and Susan is thinking about all the work she has to do. She would desperately need her motivational song to kick off the week, but it’s too late to stop and scroll down the playlist. She could be on the verge of a meltdown but Susan knows that she is wearing the answer to her problems: she taps the button on her sleeve and finds the right soundtrack to that wrong morning.
Is it a futuristic scenario set in 2050? No. It’s 2017 and we are talking about the collaboration of Google and Levis. By merging their knowledge on wearable technology and fashion they have created the Jacquard denim Smart Jacket, which allows consumers to manage phone calls, texts, check the time and get directions by swiping and tapping the sleeves.
The product is positioning itself in the market to satisfy the needs of bikers and of everyone who has a fairly athletic life. There are two features that differentiate it from any other product:
1. The Jacquard jacket breaks the conventional frontier of wearable technology for it adds technology without adding a screen or an extra device to our outfit (as smart-watches do).
2. It turns the vintage allure of a denim jacket into a futuristic item. The new vertical differentiation operated by Levis in collaboration with Google is giving a new life to the “evergreen” clothing article, turning it from “vintage” to “future”.
Although the jacket has many functions, there is one feature that consumers are falling in love with: it frees them from any device while hitting the road. Who knows...

Indice dei contenuti

  1. Future marketing leaders/2
  2. Indice
  3. Autori
  4. Introduzione
  5. Premessa ai contributi della seconda edizione
  6. Ringraziamenti
  7. Introduzione: verso nuove frontiere dell’apprendimento. Dal linguaggio “logo” al linguaggio “lego”
  8. Marketing edge
  9. Back to the future
  10. InterVIEWS
  11. LINKIesta
  12. Brand Hunters