The Italian Whip
eBook - ePub

The Italian Whip

  1. Italian
  2. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
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eBook - ePub

The Italian Whip

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Indice dei contenuti

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Parliamentary battles, votes of confidence, decrees, motions, debates, secret ballots, obstructionism: these parliamentary actions and many others are covered constantly on Italian television and in newspapers. However, very few people actually know what really happens in the Parliament and how the delicate and complex mechanisms of the parliamentary entities work.In this book, Simone Baldelli, who has been a key figure in the House of Deputies for many years, unveils the secret angles of the hemicycle of Montecitorio to his reader in comprehensible and dynamic terms. Baldelli writes from an original and innovative point of view as he played the role of the whip of one of the biggest parliamentary groups in the history of the Italian Republic.

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Indice dei contenuti

  1. The Italian Whip
  2. Colophon
  3. Foreword
  4. Premise to the English edition
  5. Premise to the Italian edition
  6. An introduction to Montecitorio
  7. The group chair
  8. The Sentry and the Dual Thinking
  9. The Profile of a Whip
  10. My First Parliament
  11. The Location of the DdA
  12. The Week of a DdA
  13. Presences and Absences
  14. On the Razor Edge of Numbers
  15. Text Messages
  16. Parliamentary Work by the Pound
  17. The DdA in Statistics
  18. The Conference of Parliamentary Group Chairs
  19. The Permanent Conference of the DdAs
  20. Bills by Author
  21. The Journey within the Commissions
  22. Monday of the Tiger
  23. Consideration of Measures and the Allotment of Time Quotas
  24. Obstructionism and the War Over Times
  25. Self-Obstructionism
  26. The Votes
  27. Obstructionist Amendments
  28. Fluctuations of the Quorum
  29. The Magical World of Decree-Laws
  30. Preliminary Questions
  31. The General Debate of Decrees
  32. The Amendments
  33. The Jotti Lodo and the Lodino
  34. Confidence
  35. Ordini del giorno
  36. Explanations of Vote on Decrees
  37. Motions or Emotions?
  38. The Opinion on Opinions
  39. Satisfied or Reimbursed: Parliamentary Oversight
  40. Question Time
  41. The Reforms Around the Corner
  42. Reforming the Rules of Procedure
  43. The Parliament of the Future
  44. Index