Social Connections
eBook - PDF

Social Connections

between demographic development and reproductive behavior in Slovakia after the year 1990

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eBook - PDF

Social Connections

between demographic development and reproductive behavior in Slovakia after the year 1990

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This publication is aimed at identifying and describing social connections between the demographic development and reproductive behavior of the Slovak population after the year 1990 and it is pointing out their connectivity to practical social work and the scientific field social work. The Slovak republic was and is still going through social and political changes, as well as changes within the economical policy, social policy and the whole social area, mutually influencing based on the demographical development of the society. The present economically developed society keeps facing the fact that Slovakia deals with low natality and problems within social background. The starting point for our research was the assumption that the economical growth, opening up borders, introduction of a new government, new behavior ideals and models coming from abroad, a freed morality, growth or decrease of income, economical and political security etc. played an important role in these changes. The opinions of young people nowadays about the present problems and their behavior influence the country’s course and in future also the situation, concept and possible solutions for social security. If older people represent wisdom and experience of the nation, young people represent the future. Excerpt from the Preface

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