The Pacific War Uncensored
eBook - ePub

The Pacific War Uncensored

A War Correspondent's Unvarnished Account of the Fight Against Japan

Harold Guard, John Tring

  1. 288 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub

The Pacific War Uncensored

A War Correspondent's Unvarnished Account of the Fight Against Japan

Harold Guard, John Tring

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A WWII reporter's dangerous adventures in Singapore, Malaya, Java, and more. Harold Guard became a war correspondent by chance after he'd been invalided out of the navy following a submarine accident. Thereafter, working for United Press, he gained a front-row seat to many of the most dramatic battles and events of the century. In March 1942, Guard arrived in Australia, having narrowly escaped from Japanese forces invading Singapore and Java. His dispatches from that disastrous front prompted one observer to comment on "the crisis days when everybody except Harold Guard was trying to hush up the real situation." At the time, he was acclaimed by the Australian press as one of the top four newspapermen covering the war in the Pacific. Over the next three years, Guard was to have many more adventures reporting on the Pacific War, including firsthand experience flying with the US Air Force on twenty-two bombing missions, camping with Allied forces in the deadly jungles of New Guinea, and taking part in attacks from amphibious landing craft on enemy occupied territory. He also traveled into the undeveloped areas of Australia's northern territories to report on the construction of air bases being built in preparation for defending the country against the advancing Japanese. What made Harold Guard's achievements even more remarkable was that he was disabled and had to walk with a stiff right leg due to his navy injury. Despite this, he often reported from perilous situations at the front line, which gained him considerable notoriety within the newspaper world. Guard endeavored to give honest accounts, and this often brought him into conflict with the military censors. In this book, the full story of Guard's experiences and observations during the Pacific War have been reconstructed with the help of his dispatches, private correspondence, telegrams, and audio accounts. No longer subject to censorship, the starkly honest perceptions of how the Allies nearly failed and, at last, finally won the war can now be told.

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Osiris was commissioned to go out to the China station, and due to leave Plymouth in Devon on the day of the famous horse race, the Derby, 4th June 1929. Coincidentally, the favourite for the Derby was a horse also called Osiris, so it was natural that all the crew had a bet on it. We were docked further down the south coast at Fort Blockhouse in Portsmouth, waiting to start our journey. I started the port engine by opening the main airline valve, and as soon as I had done this there was a terrific explosion, the force from which threw me back onto the floor, filling the engine room with choking sulphurous fumes. I tried to struggle to my feet, slipping on the steel plates, which were by now covered with a mixture of oil and somebody’s guts. As I did so, I noticed that people around me had also been thrown backwards, and there was an intense pain running through my right leg.
It had only been a year earlier that I had first been called to see Commander Lindsey, who told me that there was a new class of submarines to be built at the Vickers Yard in the northwest of England at Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. The submarines were called the O Class, and Commander Lindsey, who was to be in charge of the works, wanted me to be his Chief ERA. He wanted me to go up to Barrow-in-Furness to do what was called a “stand-by-job,” which involved overseeing the building of the submarines. I was about to sign on for my second period of service with the navy, and I felt extremely proud that I had been promoted to such a position.
I had comfortable lodgings in Barrow-in-Furness and felt extremely privileged, as I was getting seventeen shillings per day during a time when Britain was experiencing a severe depression, known as the “Great Slump.” The job was very interesting, and involved me checking through all the blueprints for the new craft. The first submarine was to be called the Osiris, and I was not completely happy with some of the materials being used in the construction, which included aluminium for the engine pistons. Also, the engine layout was very complicated, which made some of the parts very difficult to access. Finally though, the first trial trips could be made, and Osiris sailed to Campbeltown in Scotland. It dived well, but hairline cracks were found in the valve seating of our air compressors, and so we took the Osiris back to Barrow-in-Furness to be fixed. Then a problem was found with the engines, and the gears in the engine had to be dismantled so that the repair work could be carried out. More trials were then conducted in Plymouth, back on the south coast of England, and at last everything appeared to be satisfactory.
Now though, I found myself on the engine room floor in Osiris, with a searing pain running through my right leg. The first person to arrive at the scene was the coxswain, who was called Joe Elvin. Part of Joe’s responsibilities also included him being the ship’s doctor, and he held a lamp over me to try and find his way round in the dark as the lights had gone out. Joe looked over the mushy, bloody pulp that remained of my right leg, and said, “Looks more like a dog’s dinner to me.” He did his best to make me comfortable, and poured half a pint of navy rum down my throat.
Then somebody else came. More lights and crewmates stepped carefully over me as they carried sagging bodies through the engine room bulkhead door. Joe handed me another cup full of rum and had one himself, just to keep himself from feeling faint. Bracing himself, he did his best to put the pieces of my leg together, and then hastily lashed it all tight and tidy in a canvas roll before trussing me up in an emergency litter until I looked like an Egyptian mummy. A stretcher was brought, and I was carried through to the control room to await a hospital tug. I was told by one of my fellow engineers that the air-start valve had blown up, that large pieces of it had been scattered around the engine room like shrapnel, and that one of these pieces must have hit me on the right knee.
Maybe it was the effect of Joe’s rum, but I started to find that I just did not care about anything anymore, and I was beginning to feel numb all over. I started to try and figure out what would happen next, as they hauled me with a winch up the vertical conning tower hatch, over the bulging saddle tanks of the submarine and into a waiting launch, which was wallowing badly in a heavy sea. How the launch got there and from where it came, I just do not recall, and it felt like I had just floated out of the submarine conning tower and wafted gently over the side. The helpers then dumped me with little ado on the heaving deck of the launch and injected me with morphine. The launch was then quickly shoved off before leaving the smoking hull of Osiris behind.
It was then that I noticed a youngish-looking fellow in a somewhat weatherworn raincoat. He approached me with a friendly grin, dropped on one knee and asked, “What is it like down there?” Put yourself in my position, half slewed with Joe’s “neaters” of rum, wrapped up like a sausage with something somewhere inside beginning to hurt like hell, and you might better understand why I replied, “down where?” “In the submarine,” said the young fellow. Then he got all apologetic and explained, “I’m from The Herald. I want to get the story of what happened down there.” At the moment, the only Herald of my acquaintance was a pretty fast destroyer which I knew was a good few thousand miles away in the China Seas, and I was just about to tell the young fellow he was a long way adrift from his ship when it dawned on me that I was being interviewed by a newspaperman. Maybe it was Joe’s rum again, but I just told that youngster exactly what it was like, and he said “Thank you very much” and stuck a cigarette into my face when he saw something was hurting me pretty badly again.
It did not take long for me to be transferred to a bed in Stonehouse Hospital, Portsmouth, where my leg was x-rayed, and it was explained to me that my whole knee joint had been shattered. I underwent an operation, and when I woke up I was not totally sure whether my leg had been amputated or not. With great apprehension I tried to wiggle my toes, and to my relief found that I could still feel them.
My knee joint had been removed though, which left me with a stiff right leg that was unable to be bent. Later, though, there were complications and my leg turned septic. The surgeon who had performed the operation, Lieutenant Keating, discussed with me the problems, and told me that I had septicaemia. I ran some very high temperatures, and I often had hallucinations. More operations followed, and at times I think there were doubts as to whether I would survive. Gradually my condition improved and eventually I was allowed to get out of bed, using a calliper around my leg, and crutches. I was at times allowed out, and I remember one of my first excursions was to see my first talking film, The Thin Man starring William Powell.
During my time in hospital I was, however, comforted by visits from a lady called Marie Guppy, who I had originally met on my travels with the navy out to Hong Kong. She had been working there as a Queen’s Army schoolmistress in the British colony, but had recently returned to Britain, which meant she was able to visit me quite frequently. Gradually my condition improved, and eventually I was allowed to get out of bed more regularly, and was at last able to walk again without the use of callipers and the support of crutches.
A New Life
So my career in the navy came to an end, but a new part of my life was now about to begin. Marie and I fell in love, decided to marry, and went to live in Purley, South London. I got a job as an engineer at the large department store Harrods, looking after the engine rooms that supplied power to the store. Marie was a teacher at the Guard’s Depot at Caterham, in Surrey, and we lived in lodgings that cost 30 shillings per week. I had to work shift hours at Harrods, which involved work at nights, and also sometimes on the weekends. As a result, Marie and I did not get to see as much of each other as we would have liked. Marie was aware that she would soon be due for another tour with the British Army, and thought that this was likely to be in India. She did not particularly want to go to India, and in order to get around this applied to go to Hong Kong instead.
She already knew Hong Kong, and liked it there, but the main question would be whether she could take me with her. After she put in her application for Hong Kong I was called for an interview at Caterham with Viscount Marsham. He was very pleasant and welcoming, and we had a long chat together about the possibility of me travelling out to Hong Kong with Marie. As far as he was concerned there would be no problem, and I made the necessary arrangements for my passage. The only condition was that I had to pay an indulgence passage fee of three shillings and sixpence per day.
We were due to leave on 9th October 1931. In the meantime we made preparations, including packing trunks, and for this my staff discount at Harrods came in very useful. We also had to transfer funds to accounts in Hong Kong, in advance of our arrival. The day of our departure finally arrived, and we were due to sail from Southampton on a troop ship called the Neuralia. On the quayside the band played “Good-Byee,” as we waved goodbye to our families, and the ship then set off on a thirty-three day trip to Hong Kong. We left Southampton water behind, accompanied by RAF seaplanes that circled about us skimming the water and then circling overhead with a roar of engines.
The next day our ship was rolling horribly, and this went on for many hours. All the passengers were laid low, and as a result the dinning room was deserted. We had endured the aftermath of a severe storm, which caused a persistent roll in the sea. Eventually, though, the thick mist that covered the sea cleared, and we were abreast with Cape Ushant. The weather from then on improved, and everyone started to feel better. Marie became acquainted with her future colleagues at the Garrison School, who were also on board returning to Hong Kong. I felt rather strange being a civilian, and when people asked me what I was going to do, I had to reply that I didn’t know.
We passed Cape Finnisterre and headed towards our first destination, Gibraltar. A battalion of the Royal Welch Fusiliers were due to disembark there to relieve The Lincolns, who were due to come with us to take up duties in Hong Kong. The Welch Fusiliers brought their mascot on board, a big pure white goat with widespread horns painted in gilt, and also a pack of beagle hounds that they exercised each morning on deck. It was a strange thing to hear the baying of a hound way out at sea.
On the fourth day of our trip we were abreast of the mouth of the River Tagus, and we could see Lisbon very clearly. We had earlier been able to see some whales, as well as “oilers” and cargo steamers. Ahead of us was Cape St Vincent, and I paused to remember the crew of the submarine K5, who sank there due to unknown causes in 1919. Our course took us past the coast of Spain, which was fringed with yellow sand. Dotted among the green of the hills could be discerned little white cottages that seemed so far from civilisation that I wondered whether anybody inhabited them.
On our fifth day we sighted the coast of Morocco, just before entering the Straights of Gibraltar. We came in sight of Gibraltar, and as we approached the quayside, soldiers were there to welcome us, and the ship soon became the scene of orderly disorder. We went ashore in Gibraltar for a little sightseeing and also to exercise, having been confined to the ship for the past five days. Gibraltar Dockyard seemed strangely empty, due no doubt to the fact that the Mediterranean fleet were away exercising at sea, which was their usual routine at this time of the year. We walked out of the dockyard where there was a very dusty road, and uninviting amenities. The dockyard quarters were very much like London tenement buildings, and very ugly. Soon, however, we passed The Alameda Gardens, which are very well arranged and laid out with trees and tropical plants. Naturally they did not look very pretty at that time of the year, but in the summer were no doubt a beautiful sight.
We then passed under a very old archway, dated 1558 and built by Charles VI of Spain, and went into Main Street. The full length of Main Street was full of so-called “curio shops,” and as we passed them the proprietors of the shops stood on the pavement and tried to sell us their wares. We managed to find a tearoom to take some refreshment, and then returned to the ship. Nobody on board seemed to be very impressed by Gibraltar, and we were grateful when the Neuralia resumed its journey.
Our course then took us due east and we skirted the coast of Morocco. We became well acquainted with our fellow passengers while onboard, and the people from Hong Kong all seemed very nice and we hoped to make many friends in the colony. At nighttime The Lincolns sometimes prepared a dance on deck, which was illuminated with coloured lights and looked very pretty. On other nights a “sing-song” was arranged, which was fun for the passengers, but must have been a problem for the off-duty staff who were trying to sleep!
On the twelfth day of the voyage we arrived at Port Said. It was some time before the buildings on shore could be seen, and the first thing we saw was a monument erected to the memory of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French engineer who planned and designed the construction of the Suez Canal, the most important waterway in the world. Passing the monument, we steamed parallel to the shore of Port Said harbour, along which were the various shipping company offices interspersed with restaurants and cafes. Eventually we arrived at The Suez Canal Company building, which was the most imposing building on the harbour. A little way past this building the Neuralia dropped anchor and in an incredibly short space of time we were surrounded by coal lighters, and crowded with natives whose bodies were covered with coal dust. The coaling ships in Port Said took a long time, occupying some five or six hours, and the whole process was carried out entirely by manual labour. The coal was carried on board in baskets and up steeply inclined planks leading to the ship’s bunkers. In the harbour there were ships from all nations, including a motor vessel from Glasgow, and lying astern was a ship from Marseilles and then another from Russia.
We eventually got to shore and upon landing, we found our way to the Boulevard de Fouad, the main thoroughfare of Port Said. There were shops of all descriptions, from modish Paris milliners to the lowest dealer of oriental trash. The Boulevard ran the full length of the town, then led down to the seafront to which we walked and found a sandy beach, with bathing huts all reminiscent of Bognor Regis at home. The sand was fine and loose and unpleasant to walk upon, and was effectively the edge of the desert upon which Port Said is built. We then walked along the breakwater leading up to the de Lesseps Statue. It was a splendid bronze monument, with de Lesseps name surrounded in laurels, and a fitting tribute to the man who halved the distance from East to West. In the evening we made our way back through town, which was all lit up, and then back towards the dockyard and ship, which had almost finished coaling.
The following day our ship passed through the Suez Canal, and the desert could be seen on either side of the Neuralia, with the Arabian Desert on the port side and the Sahara on the other. In the early morning there was an icy cold breeze blowing over the sands, which seemed remarkable considering the fierce heat that the desert reached during the day. As we proceeded along the canal, the banks gradually grew higher, obscuring our view across the sandy wastes, until we reached a point called the “deepest-cut” where the embankment was 52 feet high. From deepest-cut the banks gradually grew lower until there was an uninterrupted view across the desert on either side again, and in the far distance there were signs of habitation. An RAF aeroplane circled over our heads as we neared Ismailia, which was the first station on the canal.
The little quayside at Ismailia was pretty, and full of native crafts. Around Ismailia the palm trees grew in profusion, and their green seemed to be the more luxuriant in contrast to the white glare of empty desert. The Egyptian Camel Corps combed the banks on the lookout for smugglers of hashish, and nearby was a famous landmark, the tomb of Sheikh Enedek, who was the deadly enemy of the people who constructed the canal. He resented this invasion of his territory, and the engineers were greatly hampered by his constant attacks on them, until finally a settlement was made and a truce c...

Indice dei contenuti

  1. Front Cover
  2. Front Image
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Contents
  6. Map
  7. Introduction
  8. CHAPTER 1: Osiris
  9. CHAPTER 2: A New Life
  10. CHAPTER 3: Pre-War Hong Kong
  11. CHAPTER 4: Singapore Defence
  12. CHAPTER 5: Attack on Singapore
  13. CHAPTER 6: Up Country in malaya
  14. CHAPTER 7: Escape From Singapore
  15. CHAPTER 8: Escape from Java
  16. CHAPTER 9: Australia
  17. CHAPTER 10: Townsville
  18. CHAPTER 11: Port moresby
  19. CHAPTER 12: The Northern Territories
  20. CHAPTER 13: Wau (Wow)
  21. CHAPTER 14: The War in New Guinea, Hans Christian Anderson and General MacArthur
  22. CHAPTER 15: Lae Landings
  23. CHAPTER 16: Passage to India
  24. CHAPTER 17: The Fortune Teller Was Right
  25. CHAPTER 18: Returning Home
  26. CHAPTER 19: Post-War
  27. Epilogue
Stili delle citazioni per The Pacific War Uncensored

APA 6 Citation

Guard, H., & Tring, J. (2011). The Pacific War Uncensored ([edition unavailable]). Casemate Publishers (Ignition). Retrieved from (Original work published 2011)

Chicago Citation

Guard, Harold, and John Tring. (2011) 2011. The Pacific War Uncensored. [Edition unavailable]. Casemate Publishers (Ignition).

Harvard Citation

Guard, H. and Tring, J. (2011) The Pacific War Uncensored. [edition unavailable]. Casemate Publishers (Ignition). Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2022).

MLA 7 Citation

Guard, Harold, and John Tring. The Pacific War Uncensored. [edition unavailable]. Casemate Publishers (Ignition), 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2022.