Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007
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Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007

Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies

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  2. Italian
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Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007

Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies

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The walled town of Bar?qish in interior Yemen – ancient Yathill of the Sabaeans and Minaeans – was for Alessandro de Maigret (1943-2011) 'one of the archaeological marvels not just of Yemen, but of the entire Near East'. Established as an oasis settlement in the semi-desert depression of the Jawf, it became in the 1st millennium BCE a thriving caravan station on the 'incense' route and a famed place of worship, controlled by rich rulers and merchants. Topography and trade made it a crucible of South Arabian and foreign traditions, and on several occasions, it was a border town disputed between rival powers. A sustained archaeological effort to investigate the site and area began in 1986 by the Italian Archaeological Mission, led by de Maigret, and developed in two phases. In 1989-1992 the temple of the patron god was excavated, while between 2003-2007 a range of new excavations were undertaken, including a second temple, a sounding, a dissection of the tell's edge outside the Minaean wall, and a cemetery.Presented across two volumes, Volume 1: Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration is particularly devoted to the temple of god ?Athtar dhu-Qab? (Temple B), dated to the second half of the 1st millennium BCE. Six chapters fully illustrate its excavation, architecture, restoration, findings, inscriptions, and dating. The contribution of this work and monument to regional history transcends its local significance. The report is framed by ten chapters detailing the historiography of research on Bar?qish, the initial surveys carried out in 1986-1987, the architecture and restoration of Temple A together with the extramural excavation at the adjacent curtain wall, the cultic equipment, and radiocarbon datings. The nine contributors are leading scholars in the above fields and include recognized experts in South Arabian archaeology.The core of Volume 2: Extramural excavations in Area C and overview studies is a final report on Area C, an exploratory dissection through the western edge of the Bar?qish mound outside the curtain wall, and a unique operation for Yemen until now. Eight chapters detail the excavation, stratigraphy, and geoarchaeology (from about 800 BCE to the present), in addition to radiocarbon chronology, cultural finds, animal and plant remains, economy, major historical events, and unique evidence for trade. Four further chapters offer a glimpse of settlement archaeology for Sabaean Yathill and the survey of a religious centre to the west, together with a first typology of Minaean pottery and an epigraphic and political-historical overview for Bar?qish and the Jawf. The contributors are recognized experts in South Arabian archaeology.

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Indice dei contenuti

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright page
  4. Contents Page
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Premessa
  8. Contributors
  9. Dates and Arabic Names
  10. Barāqish: Reference Map and Plan
  11. Introductory Information
  12. Chapter 1
  13. A History of Archaeological Research at Barāqish and in Its Area
  14. Chapter 2
  15. Risultati della prima prospezione della Missione archeologica italiana a Barāqish nel 1986
  16. The Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (Temple B)
  17. Chapter 3
  18. Il tempio di ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. Lo scavo
  19. Chapter 4
  20. Il tempio di ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. Le iscrizioni
  21. Chapter 5
  22. Il tempio di ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. Gli oggetti
  23. Chapter 6
  24. An Obsidian Cache from Temple B
  25. Chapter 7
  26. The Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. The Pottery
  27. Extramural Excavation at Recess R44/45 (Minaean Wall)
  28. Chapter 8
  29. Lo scavo fuori mura in R44/45 a Barāqish
  30. Chapter 9
  31. Lo scavo fuori mura in R44/45 a Barāqish. Le iscrizioni
  32. Architecture and Cult
  33. Chapter 10
  34. L’architecture des Temples de Nakraḥ et ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ à Barāqish
  35. Chapter 11
  36. Le mobilier de culte dans le temple de Nakraḥ à Barāqish
  37. Chapter 12
  38. La brique de terre crue dans les fortifications de l’Arabie du sud. L’exemple de Barāqish
  39. Restoration: Temples A and B
  40. Chapter 13
  41. Restauro conservativo e strutturale degli elementi architettonici della sala ipostila del Tempio di Nakraḥ (Tempio A) a Barāqish
  42. Chapter 14
  43. Restauro, movimentazione e messa in sicurezza degli elementi architettonici del tempio di ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (Tempio B) a Barāqish
  44. Barāqish/Yathill: Corings and Radiocarbon
  45. Chapter 15
  46. Exploratory Coring at Barāqish, 1987 and 1990
  47. Chapter 16
  48. Radiocarbon Determinations 1987-2006: Corings, Temples A and B, Area D. A Survey and Reappraisal
  49. Bibliography for Volume 1
  50. Extramural Excavations in Area C
  51. Cover Volume 2
  52. Title Page Volume 2
  53. Copyright Page Volume 2
  54. Contents Page Volume 2
  55. Chapter 17
  56. Excavations in Area C. Setting, Stratigraphy, and Geoarchaeology
  57. Chapter 18
  58. Excavations in Area C. Chronology and the Historical Sequence
  59. Chapter 19
  60. Excavations in Area C. Economy, Trade, and the Environment
  61. Chapter 20
  62. The Area C Collection Catalogue and Related Works
  63. Chapter 21
  64. Area C. The Objects
  65. Area C. The Objects
  66. Chapter 22
  67. Area C. The Minaean Pottery
  68. Chapter 23
  69. Area C. The Sabaean Pottery: a Survey
  70. Chapter 24
  71. Area C. Il materiale epigrafico
  72. Ceramic Typology, Territory, and a Historical Outline of the Jawf
  73. Chapter 25
  74. The Typological Classification of the Minaean Pottery from the Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ and the Extramural Excavations in Area C
  75. Chapter 26
  76. A Glimpse of ‘Greater Yathill’: Sabaean Settlement and Tell Evolution
  77. Chapter 27
  78. Les inscriptions de Barāqish : apport à la connaissance de l’antique cité de Yathill et du royaume de Maʿīn
  79. Chapter 28
  80. Risultati di una prospezione archeologica nel sito di Darb al-Ṣabī
  81. Abstracts of Chapters
  82. Bibliography for Volume 2