Multidisciplinary Project Limit Of Performance And Technology
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Multidisciplinary Project Limit Of Performance And Technology

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Multidisciplinary Project Limit Of Performance And Technology

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To date, the global scenario shows a development and technological progress sterile and mired in the swamps from which he can no longer go out. Excluding the telecommunications sector and that of the devices associated with it that are expanding, especially for the development of older devices, and the introduction of new management systems and small interaction of the system, all other sectors are still to same technologies and experimentation and research exploring new areas in hopes of finding technological solutions to be able to turn into commercial products to be placed on the market. The key areas on which you point and that could make a change in quality of life and our civilization are those of the materials, physics, nanotechnology, telecommunications, embedded systems. These sectors that could go a long way innovative, and that can and should interact with each other to open new scientific scenarios, they need informed choices that direct research at specific points that can bring real results and expendable commercially. This is done by evaluating each research project the "the limit of technology and performance" of the technology that is studied, and it seeks to develop. In some fields it is easier to fix than others. For example, for materials and structures related to them is much easier to calculate than for nuclear physics experiments and/or nanotechnology, which affect areas in which knowledge is uncoordinated and sectoral and most of the existing realities live only in the imagination researchers who imagine and try something with a number of experiments to prove that indeed the theories put forward by them are valid and correct. So to sum up, to get a clearer picture of the research project that is going to develop to be fixed as accurately as possible the "limit of technology and performance " to verify if indeed the result and/or product that you want to get from the research has a valence commercial and real scientific utility in the various fields of knowledge. In this text we will discuss the issue and we will fix the general terms in order to calculate how much more reliable it possible to "the limit of technology and performance" for any kind of technology and/or research you are working and investigating.

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