Le politiche per l'innovazione: un'analisi per la Regione Campania
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Le politiche per l'innovazione: un'analisi per la Regione Campania

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Le politiche per l'innovazione: un'analisi per la Regione Campania

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The aim of the work is to show the intervention policies that the European Union has carried out since 2000, starting year of the Lisbon Strategy, to 2014 with the start of the new European Strategy "Europe 2020". The attention is focused on innovation policies constituting the lever for the economic development of the territories.
It is analyzed in more detail the case of Region Campania by studying its background to better understand where and how it had been intervened, the results achieved and, to find out what are the new strategies for regional innovation policies and, the areas of intervention.
It is described the development of six new technological districts of Campania which are designed to create structures for technology transfer to SMEs both domestically and abroad. An important initiative is the "Sportello per l'Innovazione" recently approved by the Region: it is aimed at financial support of projects of innovation, research and technological development for the growth of the competitive development of new enterprises and research organizations in the region. They have been described some cases of innovative successful presented and activated in Campania, such as the case of "Benevento ASIA s.r.l.", an app to improve the management of waste collection in the city of Benevento, or the case of the City of Bellizzi with ITER, a software that works as protocol and document management.
The Region Campania has implemented a funding strategy to support companies and research institutions present on the territory with the aim to take advantage of financial opportunities granted to both European and national level.

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