Beyond the Hills of Dream
eBook - ePub

Beyond the Hills of Dream

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eBook - ePub

Beyond the Hills of Dream

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Over the mountains of sleep, my Love,
Over the hills of dream,
Beyond the walls of care and fate,
Where the loves and memories teem;
We come to a world of fancy free,
Where hearts forget to weep;—
Over the mountains of dream, my Love,
Over the hills of sleep.

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The Mother [1]

It was April, blossoming spring,
They buried me, when the birds did sing;

Earth, in clammy wedging earth,
They banked my bed with a black, damp girth.

Under the damp and under the mould,
I kenned my breasts were clammy and cold.

Out from the red beams, slanting and bright,
I kenned my cheeks were sunken and white.

I was a dream, and the world was a dream,
And yet I kenned all things that seem.

I was a dream, and the world was a dream,
But you cannot bury a red sunbeam.

For though in the under-grave’s doom-night
I lay all silent and stark and white,

Yet over my head I seemed to know
The murmurous moods of wind and snow,

The snows that wasted, the winds that blew,
The rays that slanted, the clouds that drew

The water-ghosts up from lakes below,
And the little flower-souls in earth that grow.

Under earth, in the grave’s stark night,
I felt the stars and the moon’s pale light.

I felt the winds of ocean and land
That whispered the blossoms soft and bland.

Though they had buried me dark and low,
My soul with the season’s seemed to grow.

From throes of pain they buried me low,
For death had finished a mother’s woe.

But under the sod, in the grave’s dread doom,
I dreamed of my baby in glimmer and gloom.

I dreamed of my babe, and I kenned that his rest
Was broken in wailings on my dead breast.

I dreamed that a rose-leaf hand did cling:
Oh, you cannot bury a mother in spring!

When the winds are soft and the blossoms are red
She could not sleep in her cold earth-bed.

I dreamed of my babe for a day and a night,
And then I rose in my graveclothes white.

I rose like a flower from my damp earth-bed
To the world of sorrowing overhead.

Men would have called me a thing of harm,
But dreams of my babe made me rosy and warm.

I felt my breasts swell under my shroud;
No star shone white, no winds were loud;

But I stole me past the graveyard wall,
For the voice of my baby seemed to call;

And I kenned me a voice, though my lips were dumb:
Hush, baby, hush! for mother is come.

I passed the streets to my husband’s home;
The chamber stairs in a dream I clomb.

I heard the sound of each sleeper’s breath,
Light waves that break on the shores of death.

I listened a space at my chamber door,
Then stole like a moon-ray over its floor.

My babe was asleep on a stranger arm.
“O baby, my baby, the grave is so warm,

Though dark and so deep, for mother is there!
O come with me from the pain and care!

O come with me from the anguish of earth,
Where the bed is banked with a blossoming girth,

Where the pillow is soft and the rest is long,
And mother will croon you a slumber-song,

A slumber-song that will charm your eyes
To a sleep that never in earth-song lies!

The loves of earth your being can spare,
But never the grave, for mother is there.”

I nestled him soft to my throbbing breast,
And stole me back to my long, long rest.

And here I lie with him under the stars,
Dead to earth, its peace and its wars;

Dead to its hates, its hopes, and its harms,
So long as he cradles up sof...

Indice dei contenuti

  1. Cover
  2. Beyond the Hills of Dream
  3. Beyond the Hills of Dream
  4. Morning
  5. Out of Pompeii
  6. Morning on the Shore
  7. Bereavement of the Fields
  8. A Wood Lyric
  9. An August Reverie
  10. In the Spring Fields
  11. The Dryad
  12. Peniel
  13. Afterglow
  14. The Tree of Truth
  15. Glory of the Dying Day
  16. September in the Laurentian Hills
  17. Lazarus
  18. The Mother [1]
  19. Dusk
  20. The Last Prayer
  21. Pan the Fallen
  22. The Vengeance of Saki
  23. Love
  24. Victoria
  25. England
  26. Sebastian Cabot
  27. The World-Mother
  28. The Lazarus of Empire
  29. In Holyrood
  30. Unabsolved
  31. Her Look
  32. The Wayfarer
  33. To the Ottawa
  34. Departure
  35. Phaethon
  36. The Humming Bee
  37. The Children of the Foam
  38. How One Winter Came