The Social Assistance Worker: Care and the importance of communication
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The Social Assistance Worker: Care and the importance of communication

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The Social Assistance Worker: Care and the importance of communication

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The current society is characterized by a considerable increase in the elderly population and by a sharp decline in newborns. As you grow older you become more fragile and, therefore, more prone to getting sick. Getting sick, many times, it happens that one can lose one's autonomy, losing, more and more, one's psycho-physical socio-relational abilities and, therefore, one's own self-sufficiency. In this way, you become dependent on the care of other people, family members and others. With the lack of self-sufficiency it becomes essential that third parties take care of us, with humanity and constancy, as well as a lot of patience. An elderly person who is no longer self-sufficient needs, constantly, to be looked after and assisted in full, that is, for everything concerning his person. In this regard it is, first of all, important to state how long our life cycle passes from being subjects of care to being the object of care by other people. In fact, if as good parents we took care of our little children, with lots of love and so much attention, when we become elderly and no longer self-sufficient we are, instead, the object of the care of other people, just like the Operator Member Assistance, which with humanity, competence and above all professionalism assists elderly people in the performance of their physiological and non-physiological functions. The elderly person, as we will see during this brief essay, can be assisted both in RSA and at home. In any case, the function performed by the Socio-Assistive Operator is fundamental, and / or which takes care of the elderly, satisfying their various needs in a completely continuous manner. In fact, an elderly and no longer self-sufficient person has a variety of physiological needs, such as going to the bathroom or feeding on social-relational ones, which are also very important for every human being. These needs, however, need to be satisfied continuously and daily. So, it is essential that there is a professional figure, serious and with specific skills that can take care, in the best way, of the elderly person who, due to a psycho-physical socio-relational decay, is found to need treatment provided to you by the Assistant Elderly, whether it and / or it operates within an RSA (Residence Social-Assistance), or that it and / or it performs its function at the domicile of the elderly and / or elderly who is assisted / a. As we age, many times, we can present a situation characterized by socio-relational psycho-physical decay and, therefore, the precious and delicate profession carried out by the Socio-Assistive Operator is and will be increasingly indispensable.

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Social Work

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