Dalle rotte alle strade
eBook - PDF

Dalle rotte alle strade

Infrastrutture e insediamenti nei Colli Albani dalle origini all'età romana

  1. 255 pagine
  2. Italian
  3. PDF
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - PDF

Dalle rotte alle strade

Infrastrutture e insediamenti nei Colli Albani dalle origini all'età romana

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Informazioni sul libro

The Colli Albani is a region close to Rome that has been extensively investigated both in the past and during the scientific supervision of the Superintendency, often preceding modern building activities. Combining data from recent excavation campaigns and legacy data, this research focuses on the specific topics of the communication routes and settlement dynamics on the western slopes of the Alban crater. Geomorphology has been used as a key to better understand the morphological features that most influenced the use of the territory by the human communities. To this end, known archaeological remains were superimposed onto the geomorphological map revealing how human activity is most intense near and on the volcanic ridges. Moreover, the intersections between radial and concentric ridges appear of major importance, as is clear from two cases study sites in the Marcandreola area (Ciampino, Rome). Here, several use-phases of the most important route in the area, as the so-called via Castrimeniense, traces of volcanic activity in historical times, and intensive cult activity, were identified. From this it has been possible to redraw the gradual exploitation of this territory before it was conquered by Rome.

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Indice dei contenuti

  1. Indice
  2. Ringraziamenti
  3. Introduzione
  4. Capitolo 1 Geologia, idrografia e geomorfologia
  5. Capitolo 2 Analisi storico topografica
  6. Capitolo 3 Il crinale di Roma e la cosiddetta via Castrimeniense/Ferentina
  7. Capitolo 4 Il sito Marcandreola e la sua contestualizzazione topografica
  8. Capitolo 5 Il sito di via Romana Vecchia, sito 22
  9. Capitolo 6 Conclusioni
  10. Appendice Introduzione all’appendice
  11. Ceramic Thin Section Characterisation of Mid-Republican cooking jars from a rural site at Ciampino, Rome
  12. Bibliografia