Infamous Stains
eBook - ePub

Infamous Stains

Unbridled Masculine Sexualities in Early Modernity

  1. 173 pagine
  2. Italian
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile solo in versione web
eBook - ePub

Infamous Stains

Unbridled Masculine Sexualities in Early Modernity

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Indice dei contenuti

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The Medici theologian and confessor who abuses a twelve-year-old boy; the Capuchin tormented by an exuberant physiology and fantasies about women; the doge who fails because of affairs that do not meet with public approval; the priest who from the confessional engages in carnal relations with his penitents; the convicts serving their sentences in galleys, suspected of sexual misconduct; Adam, rumored to have had unnatural intercourse with Eve, and Cain, thought to have sodomized his son. Whether real or imagined, the actions of these men raise questions and trigger normative reactions. And even when the condemnation is mild, the dismay they provoke is put into words, and limits between licit and illicit, moral and immoral, decent and indecent are drawn. In this continuous process of definition, an elusive object, but no less endowed with the capacity to affect individuals, seems to take shape: an ideal masculinity, defined in relation to the sexed body and its use.

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Indice dei contenuti

  1. Cover
  2. Description
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Contents
  6. Preface by Clorinda Donato
  7. Introduction
  8. The Forbidden Fruit: Heresy, Original Sin, and Emotions in Early Modern Italy
  9. A Mark and a Bloodline: Cain, a Figure of Sodomy
  10. “Unspeakable Crimes”: Francesco Aretino, Theologian and Confessor of Grand Duke Ferdinand I
  11. Physiology, Morals, and Demonology: The Contested Body of Fra Giovanni Battista (Terra d’Otranto, 1688)
  12. “A Doge Who Goes against Nature”: The Failed Election of Alvise V Sebastiano Mocenigo (Venice, 1726-1795)
  13. Confession and Sex Crime: The Case of Father Francesco Rovatti (Reggio Emilia, 1768)
  14. Practices of Sodomy in Port Spaces and Aboard Galleys in the Eighteenth-Century Mediterranean
  15. Index of Names
  16. Contributors