Technology & Engineering

Solid Mechanics

Solid mechanics is a branch of mechanics that focuses on studying the behavior of solid materials under various conditions, such as stress, strain, and deformation. It encompasses the principles of statics, dynamics, and elasticity to analyze and predict the mechanical response of solids. This field is crucial for designing and analyzing structures, machines, and materials in engineering and technology.

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7 Key excerpts on "Solid Mechanics"

  • Petroleum Rock Mechanics
    eBook - ePub

    Petroleum Rock Mechanics

    Drilling Operations and Well Design

    Part I Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics Outline
    • Chapter 1 Stress/Strain Definitions and Components
    • Chapter 2 Stress and Strain Transformation
    • Chapter 3 Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains
    • Chapter 4 Theory of Elasticity
    • Chapter 5 Failure Criteria
    Passage contains an image
    Chapter 1

    Stress/Strain Definitions and Components


    The concept of Solid Mechanics provides the analytical methods of designing solid engineering systems with adequate strength, stiffness, stability, and integrity. Although it is different but very much overlaps with the concept and analytical methods provided by continuum mechanics . Solid Mechanics is used broadly across all branches of the engineering science including many applications, such as oil and gas exploration, drilling, completion, and production. In this concept the behavior of an engineering object, subjected to various forces and constraints, is evaluated using the fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics , that governs the balance of forces, and the mechanical properties or characteristics of the materials from which the object is made.
    The two key elements of Solid Mechanics are the internal resistance of a solid object to balance the effects of imposing external forces, represented by a term called stress , and the shape change and deformation of the solid object in response to external forces, denoted by strain . The next sections of this chapter are devoted to defining these two elements and their relevant components.


    Balance of forces; continuum mechanics; engineering systems; mechanical properties; Solid Mechanics; strain; strain components; stress; stress components

    1.1 General Concept

    Engineering systems must be designed to withstand the actual and probable loads that may be imposed on them. Hence the wall of a dam must be of adequate strength to hold out mainly the reservoir water pressure but also to withstand other loads, such as seismic occasional shocks, thermal expansions/contractions, and many others. A tennis racket is designed to take dynamic and impact loads imposed by a fast-moving flying tennis ball. It must also be adequately designed to withstand impact loads when incidentally hitting a hard ground. An oil drilling equipment must be designed to suitably and adequately drill through different types of rock materials, but at the same time ensuring that its imposing loads would not cause rock formation integrity affecting the stability of the drilled well.
  • The Britannica Guide to Heat, Force, and Motion
    Solid Mechanics has many applications. All those who seek to understand natural phenomena involving the stressing, deformation, flow, and fracture of solids, as well as all those who would have knowledge of such phenomena to improve living conditions and accomplish human objectives, have use for Solid Mechanics. The latter activities are, of course, the domain of engineering, and many important modern subfields of Solid Mechanics have been actively developed by engineering scientists concerned, for example, with mechanical, structural, materials, civil, or aerospace engineering. Natural phenomena involving Solid Mechanics are studied in geology, seismology, and tectonophysics, in materials science and the physics of condensed matter, and in some branches of biology and physiology. Furthermore, because Solid Mechanics poses challenging mathematical and computational problems, it (as well as fluid mechanics) has long been an important topic for applied mathematicians concerned, for example, with partial differential equations and with numerical techniques for digital computer formulations of physical problems.
  • Engineering Materials Science



    Whether it was the need to support lofty cathedrals, make swords that did not break, or meet current performance standards in aircraft engines, the history of engineering is a continuous saga of grappling with the strength and mechanical properties of materials. No branch of engineering is immune from such concerns. In electrical engineering, for example, the packaging of micro-electronic chips has raised a host of issues related to mechanical reliability and failure of substrates, metal solder joints, polymer boards, contacts, and connectors. Although some components may be minuscule in size compared with structures dealt with by civil or mechanical engineers, they are subject to the same limitations imposed on elastic and plastic phenomena.
    This chapter is concerned with the many issues and facets related to the mechanical behavior of solids. At one extreme the subject matter is concerned with elasticity or deformation that is recoverable. In this regime materials deform (e.g., elongate or shorten) linearly with applied load. Elastic behavior forms the basis for virtually all structural and machine design. The reason we can be so confident of the mechanical integrity of our engineering structures and components is that elastic deformation phenomena are predictable to a high degree of accuracy. Design loads are such as to keep dimensional changes small, and upon unloading, the material springs back and regains its original shape without any apparent damage.
    At the other extreme are plasticity effects induced at levels of loading above the limit of elastic response. Permanent deformation occurs during plastic loading and the material does not recover its shape upon unloading. Slight extension, large-scale stretching, and, finally, breakage into two or more pieces are stages in the way materials behave in the plastic regime. Plastic deformation effects are, unfortunately, nonlinear
  • Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials
    • Valery V. Vasiliev, Evgeny V. Morozov(Authors)
    • 2007(Publication Date)
    • Elsevier Science
    Chapter 2


    Publisher Summary

    The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the fundamentals of mechanics of solids. The behavior of composite materials whose micro- and macrostructures are much more complicated than those of traditional structural materials such as metals, concrete, and plastics is governed by general laws and principles of mechanics. This chapter elucidates these principles. This chapter demonstrates stress transformations under rotation of a coordinate frame. It also demonstrates stress formation under a special position in which the shear stresses acting on the coordinate planes vanish. Such coordinate axes are called the principal axes, and the normal stresses that act on the corresponding coordinate planes are referred to as the principal stresses. The equations of Solid Mechanics can be also derived from variational principles that establish the energy criteria according to which the actual state of the body under loading can be singled out of a system of admissible states. This chapter also includes accounts on stresses, equilibrium equations, stress transformation, principal stresses, and constitutive equations for an elastic solid. This chapter also introduces static field variables which are stresses and kinematic field variables which are displacements and strains.
    The behavior of composite materials whose micro- and macrostructures are much more complicated than those of traditional structural materials such as metals, concrete, and plastics is nevertheless governed by the same general laws and principles of mechanics whose brief description is given below.

    2.1 Stresses

    Consider a solid body referred by Cartesian coordinates as in Fig. 2.1 . The body is fixed at the part
    of the surface and loaded with body forces
    having coordinate components
    , and
    , and with surface tractions p s specified by coordinate components
    , and
    . Surface tractions act on surface
    which is determined by its unit normal n with coordinate components
    , and
  • Nature's Machines
    eBook - ePub

    Nature's Machines

    An Introduction to Organismal Biomechanics

    • David E. Alexander(Author)
    • 2017(Publication Date)
    • Academic Press
    What exactly is a solid? Intuitively, you already know that if something is solid, it is not a fluid (liquid or gas). Solid materials maintain a fixed shape, whereas liquids and gases have no fixed shape and conform to the shape of whatever container they are in. Mechanically, solids are materials that resist being deformed, in contrast to fluids. Fluids do not resist being deformed, but instead resist the rate of being deformed. Engineers describe a solid's resistance to being deformed as its “elasticity,” whereas they use “viscosity” to describe a fluid's resistance to its rate of being deformed. (The technical meaning of “viscosity” is thus fairly close to its everyday meaning, but we will see that the technical meaning of “elasticity” is somewhat different from its everyday meaning.) A great deal of the study of Solid Mechanics revolves around exactly how a material deforms—or breaks—in response to various kinds of loads.
    The materials used by engineers tend to fit into the “solid” and “fluid” categories neatly and unequivocally; at room temperature, steel is a solid and gasoline is a fluid. Most biological solid materials, however, have at least a little fluidlike behavior and are thus technically viscoelastic; because viscoelastic properties combine solid and fluid aspects, we need to understand both conventional solids and conventional fluids before tackling viscoelastic solids in Chapter 4 . Nevertheless, the hardest biological solids do act much like engineering solids, and the sophisticated methods that engineers have developed to analyze solid materials can be usefully applied to many stiff biological materials.

    2.2. Loading, Deformation, Stress, and Strain

    2.2.1. Loads and Deformations

    According to Newton's third law, if I push on a brick wall with a force of 100 
  • Introduction to Finite Element Analysis and Design
    • Nam-Ho Kim, Bhavani V. Sankar, Ashok V. Kumar(Authors)
    • 2018(Publication Date)
    • Wiley
    Chapter 5 Review of Solid Mechanics 5.1 INTRODUCTION The finite element method is a powerful numerical method for solving partial differential equations. It has been applied to solve many physical problems whose governing equations are partial differential equations. The method has been implemented and is available as commercial software that can perform a variety of analysis including solids, structures, and thermal systems to mention a few. However, to use these programs effectively, one must understand the underlying physics of the problem being solved. This is important not only to be able to construct the right models for analysis but also to interpret the results and verify its accuracy. In this chapter, we review the main principles and the governing equations of Solid Mechanics. We explain the physical meaning behind the stress and strain tensors and the relation between them. Stress analysis is a major step, and in fact, it can be considered the most important one in the mechanical design process. There are many design considerations that influence the design of a machine element or structure. The most important design considerations are the following 1 : (i) the stress at every point should be below a certain limit for the material; (ii) the deflection should not exceed the maximum allowable for proper functioning of the system; (iii) the structure should be stable; and (iv) the structure or machine element should not fail due to fatigue. The failure mode corresponding to instability is also referred to as buckling. The failure due to excessive stress can take different forms such as brittle fracture, yielding of the material causing inelastic deformations, and fatigue failure. Stress analysis of structures plays a crucial role in predicting failure types (i), (ii), and (iv) above. The analysis of stability of a structure requires a slightly different approach but in general, uses most of the methods of stress analysis
  • Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book

    Mechanics of solids

    Peter Myler (Sections 8.1 and 8.2)
    Leslie M Wyatt (Sections 8.3–8.5)

    Publisher Summary

    This chapter discusses the mechanics of solids. The most common form of stress analysis used in engineering deals with material behavior that is said to be linear elastic, hence, conforming to Hooke’s law, which states that strain is linearly proportional to stress. A stress wave passes through a material when the different sections are not in equilibrium, as in the case of colliding bodies. Because of the material properties of a body, a finite time is required for this disequilibrium to be felt by other parts of the body. The lack of load equilibrium is observed by the presence of stress waves moving through a particular section. The behavior of materials beyond the level of strain whereby there is no longer a linear relationship between stress and strain is called “plasticity.” In dealing with stress systems beyond the elastic limit, similar to those associated with metal forming, the engineer’s definition of stress and strain becomes obsolete and stress and strain are defined with respect to the current deformed states.
    Stress and strain
    Fundamental definitions Linear elasticity Stress systems for isotropic materials Plane stress system Compliance relationship Stress concentrations Impact stresses in bars and beams Orthotropic material Plasticity
    Experimental techniques
    Strain gauges Basic principles Gauge factor Strain gauge arrangements Photoelasticity Holography Thermo-elastic analysis Brittle-coating X-ray analysis
    Fracture mechanics
    Introduction Linear elastic fracture mechanics Fracture toughness testing Influence of shape of defect Typical ranges of fracture toughness values Post-yield fracture mechanics
    Creep of materials
    Introduction Creep and stress rupture testing Deformation mechanisms and laws The interpretation of creep and stress rupture data Parameters favouring high creep and rupture strengths
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